Title: A Hell of a Town
hobbit_eyesFandoms: Heroes/How I Met Your Mother
Characters Ted, Barney, Robin, Lily, Marshall, Ranjit; Mentions of all at Kirby Plaza
Pairings: None non-canon
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2268
Spoilers: Series 1 Heroes, Series 1 How I Met Your Mother
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Heroes and How I Met Your Mother belong to their
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Oh man, the eight-way cross. Let's see... *deep breath*
The Doctor and Adam Monroe meet in London in the 60s and have shenanigans, and the Doctor mentions Torchwood and their powers of Rift Manipulation. Forty or so years later, the HIMYM guys see Kirby Plaza go down, Barney retrieves Sylar's body and takes it to the NY UNIT office, where he really works. Jack Harkness and Angela are called in to discuss the emerging supers, and all are taken on a tour of the Company facility. Jack Harkness meets Adam, in his cell, and recognizes him as the man who first 'killed' him on Ellis Island in 1982. They make friends, Jack mentions he's in Torchwood, Adam remains politely blank.
After Adam breaks free with Peter, before going to Vermont, he goes to Cardiff and steals the Rift Manipulator from Jack, opening the Rift to distract him and let him escape. He plans to use it to make the rest of his immortality a bit less boring, but first, he decides to drop by and visit the Super whose file Jack was just examining - Ned from Pushing Daisies.
The HIMYM gang are also visiting the Pie Hole to satisfy Lily's pregnancy cravings, and Adam recognizes Barney, thinking UNIT is after him, and legs it, leaving the Rift Manipulator. Barney recognizes it, but disappears upon picking it up. Fortunately, shortly after this, the Doctor and Rose rock up, the Doctor having caught the smell of the supposed-to-be-dead. Ted RECOGNIZES him, suddenly having got a memory back from the Pineapple Incident (turns out the Master LOVES pineapples) and persuades the Doctor to go find Barney wherever he's ended up in time and space.
The Doctor and Rose track Barney to the future, when Earth has been abandoned and humanity has moved to a new solar system, and find him on board a Firefly class transport ship. Turns out, Jack would regularly visit this time for the men in tightpants, and Barney went and got into a barfight and has been brought back for treatment by Kaylee, who felt bad for him. Since they have a delivery to make, the Doctor and Rose just decide to ride along while Barney recovers.
Unfortunately, they get attacked by Reavers, and their only way to escape is by hooking Serenity's engine to the TARDIS, causing a tear in space-time and for them to tumble through into an alternate reality - the Star Trek universe, where they get picked up by the Enterprise. They spend a while trying to figure out how to get home - they could try the reality-tearing trick again, but the odds of getting their own universe amongst all the other alternate realities again are infinitesmal. The Doctor remarks it would be far easier if someone was opening a similar tear on the other side... and gets an idea.
They hook it all up again, manage to create another tear, and fly straight back through it - into 21st century Cardiff, where Adam has just opened the Rift to steal the Rift Manipulator. Meanwhile, the monster Jack was freaking out about destroying Cardiff and being so distracted by, gets sucked back into the Star Trek universe and is promptly blasted by the Enterprise.
The Doctor and Rose return a thoroughly confused Barney to the HIMYM gang at the Pie Hole, and the Doctor expositions explains how he recognized the Rift Manipulator as Time Agent issue, guessed it must have come from Jack, had detected the Rift being open as soon as he landed at the Pie Hole, and added it all together to guess how he could get home. He then says he has to travel back and make sure Adam knows about Torchwood in order to steal the Rift Manipulator and open the Rift to let them back through. Rose wonders why go to all that bother. The Doctor points out how AWESOME this adventure has been.
So... that's how you write an eight-way crossover. It's a bit vague towards the end because I got nowhere near writing that part, I only got as far as Adam and Jack meeting at the Company before realizing HOLY CRAP I WILL NEVER FINISH THIS ON TIME. But I'm glad you liked this chapter :D
♥♥♥! And another ♥♥♥ for good measure!
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