Jan 23, 2005 20:05
Heyyy Babez!
Wow so much to say a lot is going on in my life now and I can't handle it omg! Sometimes I just want to blow up at everyone you know? It's just so hard everything is nothing is easy and it sucks! My parents all they do is fight its so fucking annoying my dad is still trying to get my mom back but she aint never going to go back to him i know that everyone knows that he just needs to except it and move on! My mom is going to counciling with him and its like ok thats great and she really doesent even wanna be there! but its like hes making her go he still thinks theres hope he needs to give it up!! and all he wants to do is talk about mom about me talking to her so he can get her back! i mean its lk dude she never gonna go back to you damn i wish they could bypass the bullshit and move the fuck on!!! coz its annoying my mother just wants to get on with hurr life...I shouldent say this but i'm glad my mom left my dad coz it wuz hard as fuck living in that house with him it wuz just so hard mi dad had so manny damn issues i mean ur suppose to live life and had fun..he worried about every little thing he wuz so strict and it wuz not normal...and my mom wuz fed up with it and so were we...the house had to be spotless i couldent have mi friends over coz then he would worry about a fucking mess ...we couldent get crumbs on the floor...we werent allowed to have pets...he would always tell us to make sure are shoes were off when we come into the house...god damnn..my mom is the best she doesent care i could have 50 friends over she wouldent give a shit..she doeesnt care about ne of that...were all better off this way i love my dad but he just seriously needs to move on....and in march is when my mom has to make her decision thats when there gonna forward the divorce and thigs are gonna be the shit...all they do now is fight there gonna fight its gonna be horrible mi mom siad we might have to go to ocala to live for awhile who knows? it all depends on how mi dad treats my mom.
But anyways I am reaelly tired and i really dont feel like going 2 skewl tmr i dident even finish my hw yet my parents are fighting right now! i dont htink im going to go to skewl tmr coz i dont feel like it... im also thinking about switching this site to xanga idk w/e but my weekend wuz pretty good...friday skewl wuz weird lmao but very embarassing lmao omg it wuz bad but funny as hell im not gonna say it here coz i dont wnt everyone to know if u wanna know whut i am talking about then u can IM me @ xoendlesstears16..but yeah then friday night i went to pointe orlando because i havent been there n awhile i went with brad,kristin,nick,becca,ash and hulon first it wuz just me becca ash and krisitn and hulon we decided to go to hooters coz we were hungery and kristin wuz bitchin coz nick wuz late lmao but ne ways moving on we sat down outside and close to our table were thease 3 guys there were gay they were checking hulon out lmao it wuz so funny and then kristin wanted ashley to go over there and ask for some alcahal lol but she dident do it and the guys came over to our table and gave us shrimp lmao and i wuz lk im not eating that shit and kristin and hulon ate some of it wtf? and we all ordered chicken wings they were the worst i have ever had i really dident eat much and me and kristin had a food fight with the poison shrimp lol thats wuz funn and she wuz brushin the shrimp out of her hair..haha..then me and ashley went to go meet brad we thought about just ditching our friends lol but then that wouldent be right and they would get all mad...then we went back to hooters and sat back down then hulon wuz complanin about not haveing enough money to pay for all of it even though we had plenty..then we left hooters and went to the movie theater we saw are we there yet it wuz a really good movie it wuz very funny and brad payed for me aww hes so sweet..Then we just all went home and that wuz that night. Then saturday i just slept all day and in the night time my moms sister wuz in town so she met up with her at the olive garden so me and david decided to go too but we sat at a different table and we ate dinner and just talked ...then his mom came and got us and we went to cw until 10:30 we just walked around and talked it wuz a lot of fun...then we went home and that wuz about it from there..Today I just slept in and did hw and my fam and i went to portabella haha ashley dont be hatin! goood ass food i had the chicken pizza i love that shit! yeah and now my parents are fighting wtf ah i better get use to it!
I havnt done much in the studio lately coz i have been so buzy but u know what i found out when im done they give u a free cd release party and they give u a 100 copies of the cd and u can give it out to all ur friends how fuckin awesome is that and at the party u get to perform the songs on ur cd dude thats so tyte!!!
School has been hard lately i dunno why its just that i have been getting piled with hw and i cant stand it coz i have enoughs stress on me with my friends/guys!! just everything it sucks!!!!
I'm going to update my myspace/buddy4u/fansites/xanga and I'm going to start using my digital camera so i can post pics hurr! wow i havent wrote this long of an entry in a shit of a long time !!! im going to go do hw or w/e the hell i feel lyke it!
holla bac youngins