Sep 11, 2005 20:01
actually turned out to be a fun weekend. friday night consisted of going to the game w/ jessica, brett, and greg. met up with everyone there. was happy to finally catch up with jocie. unfortunately, none of our gables camp buddies came so there were no reunions going on. nevertheless, we got bored and left at the beginning of the 4th quarter, with the score at 7 to 21. apparently there was another touchdown and so we more than won. went to shorty's after. had fun causing trouble for our poor waitress.
saturday morning came early. was at school around 8:30 to put up our hallway decorations for red cross. they actually turned out pretty snazzy. unfortunately, i forgot to bring my camera so i have no pics to post of how pretty our hospital was. lol. that afternoon, went dress shopping. and guess what??? i got a dress finally!!! i'm soooo very happy with it. i've decided not to say too much about it besides it's a dark turqoise halter and that i'm going very vintage. so, i'm now superexcited for homecoming. just gotta pick up some shoes, but i know what i want already, so that helps greatly. that night consisted of me meeting up with some of the group to go see red eye. actually, it wasn't bad. enjoyed it, especially with the commentary courtesy of dave and i.(btw, conti, know that i am very proud of you for seeing the whole thing!!) after, ran over to wendy's. literally. we went to cross the street and realized there was no sidewalk on the other side of the barricade. so, we were left with one option - to run. was quite funny, but i'm sure you had to be there to understand the humor. once we were fed, looked up "detrimental" and i finally picked up sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs. came home and watched mtv's katrina benefit.
this morning, i got up at a decent time. started some homework but i got very bored way too quickly. went outside to tan and try to finish the book i'm in the middle of now. i'm almost done with it, so hopefully i'll be starting my new read sometime this week. went back to homework, which is where i am now. the parents have started crash, so i'm hoping to go and join them soon. yea, right. we'll see if i can finish up soon enough.
less than a week till homecoming!!!! who's excited? ME!
straight from battling her textbooks, N