Nov 17, 2004 16:41
1.First Name: Tara
2.Middle Name: Irene
3.Last Name: Ya'll knowwww
4.Birth date: July 29
5.Location: Taunton
6.Height: 5'7
7.Eye color: Hazel
8.Hair color: Brown
10.What religion are you: Protestant
11. Nicknames: TC, Lapinski, Tarington
12.Fave Music: I like pretty much everything, except country lol
13.Fave Sport: I hate sports haha
14.Fave Month: June/July/August
15.Fave Holiday: Christmas yoooo
16.Fave TV shows: Welcome to THE OC bitch!!
17.Fave Talk Show: Don't really watch em
18.Fave Drink: Diet Coke :)
19.Fave Number: Don't have oneee
20.Fave Colors: Pink ;)
21.Fave Movies: Tons. All time favorite-Sleepless in Seattle
22.Fave Relatives: I love em all :)
23.Fave Subject in school: Hate them allll
24. Least Fave: All of them lol
26.Fave Summer memory: New Hampshire and sleeping late haha
27.Fave Year: I like this year right now
28. Fave Radio Stations: Whatever is playing a good song
*Which is better*
29.Chocolate or Vanilla cake: Vanilla
30.Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: Haha both
31.Bacon Bits Or croutons: Croutons
32.Being serious or being funny: Well it depends on the situation
33.Simple or complicated: Simple cuz I get confused easily aha
34.Flowers or angels: Awwww I loooove flowers :)
35.Read or write: Eh
37.Color or black-and-white photos: Both
39.M&M's or Skittles: M&Ms
40.Rap or rock: Both
50.Stay up late or wake up late: Wake up late
51.TV or Radio: Both
52.Is it POP or SODA: Whatever floats your boat
53.Eat an apple or an orange: Apple
54.Hot or Cold: Hotttt
55.Tall members of the opposite sex or short: Tall please.
56.Sun or moon: Both :)
57.Hard cover books or soft cover books: Who cares
58.Newspaper or magazine: Magazine
59.Happy or sad: Happy
60.Strawberry or Lemon: Strawberry
61.Red or pink: Pink
62.Summer or winter: Summer
64.Christmas or Easter: Christmas
65.Valentines Day or St Patrick's Day: Valentine's Day
66.Walk or Run: Walk
67.Drive or Walk: Drive
*Have You Ever*
68.Thought you were going to die?: Yeah lol
69.Wanted to run away?: Nope
70.Almost died?: Na
71.Thought that you were in love?: Nope
72.Thought you were in love with 2 people at once?: Nope
73.Had sex?: Nope
74.Drank?: Mmmhmmm ;)
75.Been drunk?: ...naaaaa
76.Smoked? Noooo
77.Made someone cry?: Yeah probably
78.Jumped off a bridge?: Can't say I have
79.Broken a bone?: NO!!
80.Been kissed?: Yeah...if you wanna call it that. Lol AWKWARD!!
81.Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: I don't really like Oreos all that much
82.Been on stage? Word
83.Gotten in a car accident?: Yeah
84.Death Valley on horseback?: No thanks
85.Stayed home?: Yeahhh
86.Made homemade fudge?: Na
87.Seen the Eiffel tower?: Only in pictures :(
88.How may ppl u have on ur buddie list? 151
89.Has anyone ever threatened to call the police on you: Na
90.What's on your mousepad: Nothing
91.Do you like someone right now: Not really
92.Do you get motion sickness: Not usually
93.Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: Deadly hahaha
94.Are you a good friend: I like to think so
95.Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Sometimes
96.Thunderstorms cool or scary: Scary lol
97.Do you eat stems of broccoli: Yup
98.Are you a righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: Lefty
99.If you could be one gardening tool, which one would it be: as;dfj;asldkjf lol
100. What's under your bed: Stuff
101.Do you make fun of people: Lol nooooo ;)
102. Best friends online/offline: Amanda & Alyson
103. Are most of your friends older, the same age or younger than you: Around the same age
105. Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Well no one sent this to me...
106.Would you rather be deaf or blind?: Deaf, cuz I would much rather be able to see things then hear them
107.If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, would you still be their friend?: Yes'm
108.Do you consider yourself a good listener?: Yeah when I feel like listening
109.Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, or good?: Pretty good for the most part
111.If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?: Ohhhh I dunnnnoooo :)
112.Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok: Adidas
113.If you could change your name, what would it be?: Dunno mannnn
114.If you were in a theater and someone was crying, would you laugh?: That would be dumb
115.Spice Girls: Stupid lol
116.Weird: Huh?
117.Santa: Christmas!!
118.Hanson: HAHAHA! Do we all remember when I was overly obsessed in 5th grade?! Haha good times :)
119.Duck: Quack?
120.Cookie: Choc. Chip yo
121.Hot: Summaaaa
122.Cold: Winter friggen sucks man
123.Lemon: Sour? Haha
124.Email: All I ever get is porn
125.Ocean: Awww the beach :)
In the last 24 hours have you....
139.Cried?: Nope
140.Helped someone?: Maybe?
141.Bought something?: nope
142.Dissected something?: No
143.Cut your hair?: No
144.Worn a skirt?: No
145.Worn a tie?: No
147.Been sarcastic?: Me? Sarcastic? Never ;)
148.Gone for a run?: Nope
149.Gone for a walk?: Nope lol
151.Felt stupid?: Ummmm...yea probably haha
152.Said "I love you"?: Mmhmm
153.Taken a test?: Yes'm
154.Met someone new?: Nope
155.Watched your favorite movie: Na
156.Given someone a present?: No
157.Missed someone?: You could say that
158.Hugged someone?: Yeah!
159.Had a nightmare?: No, thank the Lord those have stopped haha
160.Fought with your parents?: Na
161.Fought with a friend? Nope
162.Been Scared?: Yes
163. Whats your phone Number?: Ha
164. Have any pets?: Unfortunately
165. Have any Siblings?: Yes
166. If so do you get along?: Ehhh...yeah
167. If you could go one place where would it be?: Someplace warm and sunny with hotttt guys :)
168. If you could meet one person dead or alive who would it be? My grandfather
169. Have you ever gone out in public in your PJs?: Nope
170. Favoite Cologne?: A&F :) Yummm
171. Favorite Perfume?: Tommy Girl
172. What are you wearing?: Jeans and a sweatshirt
173. What song is on?: Broken-Seether ft. Amy Lee...LOVE this song :)
174. Whats your favorite cartoon?: Don't have one
175. What would u name your boy kid?: Ashton Michel, haha and I love Braden
175. Girl kid?: Madilyn or Brynn
176. Who are you talking to?: No one
*Do you believe in....
177. God/Devil: Yes
178. Yourself: Sometimes
179. Your friends: Yup
180. Aliens: No lol
181. Love: Yeah
182. One person for everyone: Yep
183. Love at first sight: Nope
184. Have you ever sat with someone you liked and watched the stars? Ha nope
185. Have you ever kept a secret from everyone?: Yeah
186. Had an imaginary Friend?: Na
187. Ever wanted to hook up with a friend?: ;)
188. Just drove around for the heck of it?: No
189. Whats the last movie you saw in the theater?: Saw :( Horrible, horrible movie lol
190. Ever pranked call someone?: Lol oh yeah
191. Ever read a book for fun?: Of course
192. Favorite Teacher?: I liked a lot of them, and I really like my english teacher that I have nowww ;) ;)
193. Least fav teacher?: S:LDfj;sljf
194. Do you play sports?: Lol ya right
195. Do you wanna go to college?: Not right away
196. What one?: No clue
197. Where do you see yourself in 15 years? Married to a cute guy with kids and successful at whatever it is I'm doing :)
198. Do you expect people to fill this out and send it back?: Na
199. Do you think they will?: No
200. Do you do drugs? Nope
201. Been hurt by some you love? Yep
202. Have you ever been to a concert? Yes
203. Do you like anime? No
204. Hate school? Ya think?
205. Trust people? Some
206. Wanted to die? Never
206. What do you catorgorize yourself as? I don't really like to catorgorize myself
207. Whats your favorite band? Taking Back Sunday :)
208. Do you love your self? Yup
209. Are you cute? Whatever lol
Hahaha. At least it took up some time lol.