I havent had time for anyone. It sucks. I am reading three books right now. It can be rough. I find these books I can apply myself to and it is like I'm living with them. Living my life through these books. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. I have an eating disorder. I dont really eat anymore. I have to make myself eat or I will not. My scoial disorder has gotten worse. I can hardly communicate. Only with eryn. Oh yeah. I loved him. I had to get over it. I needed to fac ehe likes boys...it just wouldn't work out. It made our friendship stronger..and we are having a sleep over friday. Then saturday night we are going to a party. Then I have 'date' coming up soon. so yea. okay im leaving a lot of shit out but i dont trust any of my fucking friends on livejournal. Okay maybe a few. But SOME of you disgust me.