(no subject)

May 19, 2005 21:40

Wow! This week has gone by super fast. Tomorrow is already Friday! I've been doing my U.S. history project for the last week and then today I had to ref a game. It was like the best game im refed all season. It was Ashley,Andrew,Jen's and Clint's team against Lillie's team, the score was 3-3, so we had to do a shoot out, my first shootout! Ashley's team in the end pulled a victory for 1st place! It was awesome!

Refing all day Saturday, I dont know what im doing this wekend, everyone is going away this weekend! Good luck Zach, youll be fine! lol.. Ashley have fun on your trip since today was your last day of school ( you suck).. lol..

If anyone wants to do anything this weekend just let me know =)

Sometimes I feel like I'm always being comprared to my sister, people need to realize I'm not my sister and I will never be her. I will never put myslef and my family through all this hardship. All I ask is let me be myself and stop over-proctecting me,and I promise that in the end, you'll realize that I'm not Tiffany, I'm Kayla, and thats all ill ever be.

x.O Kayla x.O

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