I can't believe myself... I actually read everything and written everything for this week :D!
I also finished Choco's new faceup in between...(this is during the progress):
..and my Hamlet essay :PP Yeah I'm not big on essays but I actually took the time to do it and not last minute unlike most people in my class... but I'm generally quite lazy and a procrastinator. BUT NOT TODAY! .... lol
So I don't want to talk about my schedule, I'm gonna try to really journal for this post. I find my self talking about what I did, which isn't really journaling but more like dictating.
Umm.. what have I been thinking these days... hmmm.. something not work/school/church/doll related: Let's see.. I had a dream where this guy from two of my classes was in it, let's call him "R", R was also in my classes last semester, less so this semester. I'm told he has a girlfriend, but let's not dwell in that... I won't dwell into his physical attributes either.. since that might provoke biasness/assumptions to whoever's reading. Okay in the dream he basically just kind of was in my class(ok not much different from reality) and we were all together doing some fun activity with a class, I was with a friend and then he ruffles my hair or something like that at some point,... I never took notice of him last semester, actually I didn't even find him attractive at all, but for some reason I find myself being attracted to him now, even though he hasn't changed much. He's very shy, VERY SMART, and doesn't hang out with a group of friends (like I do... well I mostly hang out with 1-3 people at the most at school). He's a bit stylish yet plain... I've never breathed a word to him at all, which puzzles me why I'm on the borderline of liking him.
I find this superficial as I'm writing my thoughts on this matter (matter??! the books has gone to me! >.<).. who would like someone just based on instinct/aura?? Ok I know and have read people who get attracted to people based on just feeling too but still I'm so puzzled. o_O maybe I should pretend to bump into him and say something? Haha.. the fact that I'm writing this whole blob of writing about him is really funny(not in a humorous way), oh man I need to meet more people...seriously.
On a less confusing subject, I find Mob dancing really moving and amazing.. I've seen a lot of Michael Jackson ones which were A-W-E-S-O-M-E! and now I'm currently into 2PM (Yeah another korean boy band..) they used to be a 7 member group but the leader (Jaebeom) had a scandal and he left the group, hopefully not permanently T__T anyhow I just wanna share this 2PM mob dance in Thailand:
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