Lacking sleep, working too much, yet still...

Jan 11, 2010 00:19

...has the energy to blog :D ahh the power of technology... XD

So its the new year and I've finished off my first week of school which was actually pretty fun, except I had to work all weekend which included a fireworks of emotions I have never let out in so much as in two days(there's so many emotions I go through everytime I work.. its not even funny, its a remarkable experience.. LOL).

Ok but I really wanted to post about a photo review from when I started collecting dollies waay back in 2005 (idea taken fromningyouundoujou , lol tell me if this is ok or not! XD) note: very long list... so yeah... XD

September 22-23 Year 2005: First pullip(I got a lan ake for my 14th birthday, and a blythe earlier in february of the same year) ASUL! my dear lan ake :D (yes I'm an oldie)

February Year 2006: Second pullip I bought on sale at PS(in its early days) a CHINA CHINA--> Choco, who is unrecognizable now due to the amount of customizations been done to her...

The rest of 2006: I was and am still into customizing my dolls, so it was pretty much a lot of rewigging and rechipping for the rest of the year with only 3 dolls (one is my dear PWP blythe, Genki)

Year 2007: Adopted a Fruit Punch blythe this year (just one doll) and a lot of customizations on Choco. Not a very exciting year for dolls... lol The family so far: Julius(Frupu), Genki (PWP), Asul (lan ake) & Choco (custom china)~

Jan-Feb 2008: Waiting anxiously for my first taeyang.. I also started working in Tim Hortons (still now.. uggh) so I saved up for a Lead... Hakoshi-kun! <3 I love this boy so much......

March 2008:  Asul and Hakoshi became a  couple (they go waay back.. XD) and tested different looks again for everyone. (I used to and still do) ^_~

April 2008: Adopted a used timulus taeyang, my dear Yuki ! <3 (customized now.. but I might adopt another timulus in the future...) X3

May 2008: Ahh exciting month!! I went to my first Europe trip w/ my grade 11 class for 2 weeks to Prague, Budapest & Vienna... I brought my dear blythe Julius with me :D (some people asked me about it.. I truthfully said I chose to bring MY doll.. gave me weird looks)

June-July 2008: My bestfriend strawberrynlime gave me Yume, my ala, as a going away present as we were gonna be separated for our grade 12 (last year in highschool) because I was switching out of the program I've been in at school for the past 4 years T__T very lonely and depressing..... yet somewhat interesting year. Thanks bff! <3  Yume is my "dream" and treasure her very much :)

August 2008: I preordered a Seiran, Saito, but  was a bit dissapointed so I sold him less than a month later, he was quite popular for some reason... (in photos anyway).. This is the first year I joined Taeyang quarterly too, I entered dear Hakoshi,.. didn't win.. but it was fun!

October 2008: Adopted maguna, Aoi Lucas, from PS.. and kept him for about a year (adopted out in october 2009) T__T kind of lost the bond, but I fell in love with taeyangs as you can tell.. I favour taeyangs way more than pullips, as you can tell, so this was only the beginning of my taeyang collecting...

December 2008-Jan 2009: Visited Philippines after 7 years (I left when I was 10).. it was so exciting to see my hometown and my family back there, so many tearful and happy moments.. I brought along Asul and Hakoshi and also had my very first doll meeting with other filipino collectors (so much fun meeting other doll collectors and lovely dolls) <3

Feb-March 2009: Family is stable with 2 blythes, 3 pullips & 3 taeyangs...=8! wow not much compared to other people who've collected even less than a year.. haha I'm a cheapscake :P

May-June 2009: Then another boy came... Xavier(andrew) who is Hakoshi's brother, he inspired me to start my first pullip picfic 'The Land of Nowhere' which ended with 8 chapters, can be seen here: LON. Hopefully planning another arc of the story in spring and/or summer 2010 :D Oh! and I graduated from Hschool... rode a limo for the 1st time with friends, prom was good... but not like hollywood... ah what else? I got scholarships.. w00t :D

July-Aug 2009:
Lazed out all summer, didn't do much for photography, I worked mostly on Psycho an online manga made by darkchii778 and me ^__^; I was dreaming about Sols, so Rafael came to me on July... I was so in love <3 his skintone and everything is just gorgeous.... included him in the last two episodes of LON and entered him in TQ ^_^

Sept-Dec 2009: Started university, so I was pretty busy and didn't really focus much in photography... my aunts from philippines came in october which was loads of fun, we went all over vancouver and the island, I felt like I was on vacation the whole time.. haha XD Then after christmas I bought my first DSLR--> a nikon d3000 waking up at 5am w/my lovely daddy... lol.. I feel my photography has gotten like 100x better! ahah I can never look at my old photos the same way again....thank you nikon <3

Since there's too many photos to make a collage of, I put together only family photos and most viewed photos of all time, and some of my faves (according to Flickr stats) :

Ok off to bed now... Zzzzzzzzz

pullip, photo review, taeyang, dolls

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