Dec 06, 2009 19:00
So I just heard news, after work and going to mass, my aunt and uncle got into a serious car accident last night. [they're in philippines btw]
This is how the story went, or somewhere along these lines:
They were on their way home from driving their daughter, my cousin, to the airport. My aunt (one of the ones who visited us in Canada 2 months ago), and my uncle were nearly home, just a few blocks, when my uncle lost a bit of consciousness while driving, and my aunt reached out to turn the steering wheel to the side of the road near the rice paddies/field. In Philippines, people aren't used to wearing seat belts like us here in N.A., my aunt and uncle weren't wearing seat belts, and they were moving 60km/hr, so when my aunt swerved to the side of the road, the car (and them in it) fell into the rice fields. Apparently someone saw and saved them, but they were probably thrown outside the car due to the impact.
My uncle hit his stomach really badly, and his intestines or something had internal bleeding, while my aunt hit her head... possible on the windshield and it's pretty serious. They're currently being transferred to another hospital in the city, since they live in the provincial area.
Fortunately, (this is my mom's side of the family-- they are 9 siblings altogether)... most of the siblings, aunts and uncles took a day off from work today and went out to see them in the hospital. My uncle is receiving blood transfusions and my aunt is being scanned, to see how serious the head injury is.
My reaction:
O-M-G... I started to pray when my mom told me, and I will keep praying.. my god... I really hope they get better and that the injuries don't get anymore serious. My grandpa(mom's dad) is, THANK GOD, in Macau with my other aunt travelling, so he doesn't know the news yet... (we don't want him to have another heart attack).. so yeah.
Oh man...
This is such shocking news, I was so appalled... I really hope they get better, hope it doesn't get too serious
On another note...
I have exams coming up next week, wish me luck!
God bless!! and please pray for my aunt and uncle! thank you =]
family accident issues life