Apr 15, 2005 22:57
school today draggeddd. but last period we played knockout in health lol i came in 3rd the first time. go me. and then tonight i went to Mel Diva's with Alex Michaela Courtney, her 2 friends, Chris Pat Kevin Jess Jacqui Ashley and Diane. it was a lot of fun. we laughed a lot lol Kevin is wicked funny. Alex was laughing so hard at one point she was crying. and Pat and Kevin were rapping. lmao omg i have never seen Pat do that before. it was hysterical, i <3 him.
... and even tho i had a ton of fun, i'm not in a good mood anymore. not even a little. and i'm not looking forward to vacation at all. i have a feeling i'm gonna be doing a lot of sitting around the house by myself. i've been really lonely lately. idk maybe it's the whole single thing. Alex IMed me earlier and said "take the
i think my second holes are infected. i took the earrings out for the first time and they're bleeding. not good. and i can't get my phone unlocked until monday night. and now i just have this really big urge to cry....