(no subject)

Apr 20, 2005 10:31

  • -- UNIQUE --
    1. Nervous Habits: I pick at my fingernails
    2. Are you double jointed: yup
    3. Can you roll your tongue: yess
    4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: sometimes..lol
    5. Can you blow spit bubbles: no but that would be cool
    6. Can you cross your eyes: yesum!
    7. Tattoos: 0
    8. Piercings: 2
    9. Do you make your bed daily: no, more like every other week-ish or just when i change my sheets

  •  -- CLOTHES --
    10. Which shoe goes on first: mostly the right one I think...
    11. Speaking of shoes have you ever thrown one at anyone: umm yeaaa
    12. On the average, how much money do you carry: however much i hav which is never alot
    13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7: earings and cross necklace
    14. Favorite pieces of clothing: my bathing suit

  • -- FOOD --
    15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: both
    16. Have you ever eaten Spam: no it sounds gross
    17. Favorite ice cream flavor: either moose tracks or mint chocolate chip
    18. How many cereals in your cabinet: 3
    19. What's your favorite beverage: flavored water or serly-temples or coke
    20. What's your favorite restaurant: fudruckers, montys, friendlys
     21. Do you cook: yeaa

  •  -- GROOMING --
    22. How often do you brush your teeth: twice a day
    23. Hair drying method: blow drying..or throw it up in a pony tail to air dry
    24. Have you ever colored / highlighted your hair: once and now i want to high-light it
    25. Do you swear: yea..
    26. Do you ever spit: if i really hav to..why not

  • -- FAVORITE --
    27. Animal(s): umm.. kitten or puppy
    28. Food: mac n cheese, jello, chicken parm
    29. Month: june, july and november
    30. Day: Friday
    31. Cartoon Show: fairly odd parents or simpsons 
    32. Shoe Brand: anything thats cute
    33. Subject in school: french with riggieri
    34. Color(s): teal and hot pink
    35. Sport: swimming, cheering, softball, and HOCKEY
    36. TV show: don't watch a lot of tv
    37. Thing to do in the spring: just hang out with friends
    38. Thing to do in the summer?: hang out at the beach
    39. Thing to do in the fall?: nothing good about fall..exept my birthday
    40. Thing to do in the winter?: snowboarding trips with stephy and sledding

  • -- IN AND AROUND --
    41. In the CD player: mix
    42. Person you talk most on the phone with: mike or chelse
    43. Do you check yourself out in store windows and mirrors: yea
    44. What color is your bedroom: light blue its yucky i want to paint it so bad
    45. ...Window seat or aisle: hmm window..but i never wnat to be trapped in by a fat guy..so aisle

  • -- LA LA LAND --
    47. What's your sleeping position: back or side
    48. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: yupp
    49. Do you ...snore: no. but sometimes if i hav a cold
    50. Do you sleepwalk: i think so
    51. Do you talk in your sleep: def.. i yell too =) haha 
    52. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: yea
    53. What about with the light on: no..but if its on and im tired..screw it im asleep
    54. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: radio or cd

  • -- CURRENTS --
    55. Outfit: pj's
    56. Worry: hmm...
    57. Desktop: random pic of mike
    58. Song: bandages // hot hot heat
    59. To do list: finish this mayb do anyother one and call friends to find something to do
    60. Need and/or Want: to go to the club, money, and to go to the beaccch

  • anyone wnat to do something on this wonderful day? give me a call


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