Apr 17, 2005 18:12
last night was interestingg. um we went to rock n bowl but likee no one was there so we started calling ppl to come and meet us. brendan and others decided to come and take us to funwayy<3. but when we got there the funway ppl wouldnt let brendan and justin bak in because they left before. ughh gayyy.
so we had 2 choices: we could payy for them to get bak in but we had no money OR go bak to rock n bowl OR go to mikes housee. we decided to go bak to rock n bowl and sit and do nothinggg- fun stuff
actually it wasnt that bad. more ppl that i knew showed up, we played ddr, umm listened to music and stuff. somee stonedd kid was trying to hump brendan hahaa. yeah and bunch of other stuff happened pretty funny but i dont see the need to type it here.
later we all came bak to my housee and just hung out for awhile. um yeah pretty exciting huh?
ok i really wanted to go to tbs last nighttt :(
i loveee tbs and omgg everyone was going. grr
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