(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 23:27

well i paid my bills today fuckin sux!! i gave my mom 120 for the car door then i went to the bank and tried gettin my account back on and i owe 288$ but i gave em 140 then i paid 158 for my cellie... dam 400$ blown in one day!! goddamm. but wen i get money next week im gonna finish payin off my cell and the bank then ups my sis some stuff cuz i told her id get it.my bro is leavin on wednesday!! im gonna miss him... even though hes off my buddylist on lj... i guess he took me off. but i do love my bro. and im sorry for hurting my family for doing the stupid things that i have done. i know now that friends dont give blood but ur family does. i wish i could have friends like samir and sabrina have. their friends are always asking about them makin sure that they r ok. i wish i had a friend that was like that. well i used to in nj but now i guess im not cool enough bc i moved. but oh well i guess. i just hope samir that you can forgive me and that we can still be lil bro and big sis... i know u think its cheesy n shyt... but im just lettin you know how i feel. and i hope that maybe we can be like the way we used to be, and we can talk about ne thing to eachother. and i know i hurt my mom as well i am am sorry for hurting her. i didnt know that the situation that i was in was gonna get to the point that it did. but i am glad this over, and hopefully we can bond and all that good shyt. samir im really sorry and i hope that u can forgive me... ttyl
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