It's too late so I don't feel like writing about it.. but I will tomorrow after school PROMISE!
On the way to the Pagent!!
^Prolly my favorite picture!^
I didn't really take any of the "Casual Wear" There just wasn't enough time so.. I made up for it with LOTS of "Formal Wear" pictures
This was a girl named Larisha Nicole.. she was so awesome i love her lol
This girl was SUPER SWEET to me. She was from Wyndotte she made it into the top 10 her names Melissa she's so awesome lol We're gunna see each other at Homecomming lol!! Shes going w. her boyfriend.
^ Thats Ashley Kotos.. The ONLY other girl that I knew from Southgate REPRESNT IT GIRL!! LOL
Group Pictures!!!
Couple Shots of my Trophy...
And now.. the odd picture
^ Hehe we were all putting on make up in the guys bathroom and the urinals were clogged.. so we flushed em' and took a pic.. lol!!
More pics when my mom gets the camera back!!