Well i guess i have nothing else better to do, so ill update : )
Friday / saturday morning X -------------------------------------
Hmm school went by pretty fast.. then after school i had volleyball practice like usual - 2 40 - 4ish .. Chloe went to mari dan then came n got me with ali and nicholas after practice : ) Hung out with cole ej nick ali chloe n whoever for about an hour at the school.. then chloes dad pick cole n chloe n me up n took us back to chloes .. wel lcole went home but yea lol.. Got ready.. then me n chloe went back up to the school for fun night .. haha .. soo we got dropped off then went in the woods with nicholas brandon n ali : ) haha i had to pee so yeah i like peeing in woods : D hmm then at fun night .. just basically hung out with ali n chloe n matt the man <33 i l o v e them .. then matt has a friend named sam, and hes a cutie. lol so we went n talked to him for afew.. haha yeah it was pretty pimp .. me n ali got in the middle of a group of black kids n danced with them.. UNTILLL they started grabbing our hands? haha .. then we wwent off grabbing kids asses we didint know .. haa .. greattt times .. hmm after that came back to chloes .. n tony cole n adam came over for a few.. left.. then came back around 12ish n stayed for a few . we were outside n came in around 2 or something n walked upstairs.. and chloes mom was just coming home and yea we spelt pretty bad.. lol.. so we ran into her room and sprayed ourselves n changed.. she didint notice anything : ). then me n chloe finally crashed aroundd 3 or 4.. not sure though. ehh chloes mom woke me up at like 11 because i had an appointment or howerver u spell it got ready . tony cole n adam came over for a few.. then i left around 1 30..
Saturday X ---------------------------------
haha i got put on this laughing gas shit for my cavity.. it was pretty pimp .. i didint know what was going on so it was all good .. lol .. Came home at about 2 30.. then called chloe n she came over here.. lol we rented ELF. n got burgar kind : D then we just basically hung out at my house beeing lazy n listeing to the eminem cd for about 5 hours straight <33 haahha i love chloe , we about pee our pants everytime were together n i love it .. ahhahah .. " YEAH, well my parents taught me not to pick ur nose in public" hahhaha .. hmm i dont realllyy remember all we did that night so i cant really write much ..
Sunday X ---------------------
MY BIRTHDAY! : ) woke up around 12. Jordan called and told me happy birthday : ) . then got ready took chloe home : ( n went out to eat with the family <33 Looked through kristins new clothes from the good will .. haha yeha there cute actually . And i think tony should go there buttt nope , hes too cool for goodwill i guess : \ lol Came back here.. watched elf about 300 times . lol .. and just pretty much visited with the family n such .. hmm i got clothes from hollister, a shower radio, eminem cd from chlo <3 , the sims 2 * lol , anddddd money : ) ehh didint feel to hott though so went to bed early .. i felt like i was dieing
MonDAY x -------------------------------
hmm went to school till about 10 then came home .. decided i still didint feel all that great : \ In the morning chloe gave me my birthday card and 20 dollars <33 andd kristen gave me balmy nights and kisses shaped mints from victoria secrets <33 i l o v e t h e m. Hmm well now im gonna go back to sleep for a few
J a m i e M i c h e l l e