(no subject)

Apr 20, 2005 22:44

hey guys..i dont really see a point to updating my lj anymore..cus no one comments..but here my life in a page of words...

umm things have been going ok at school. i mean like its spring, but the warmth is making it feel like summer, which is so awesome, but we deffinatly have a bit of school left. and it totally sucks, cus i wnat summer SOO badly! um yeh so this quarter i think im actually going to be doing well in ALL of my subjects..which is soo..unlike maria. haha. umm yes. after school is fun too...minus that senior named Eddie. ew. hes so fucking weird, and perverted. like i hope hes joking when he says sum of the shit he says..but i have a feeling hes deffinatly not. gross.

um today is 4/20 which normally means school should go by fast..but today the clocks seemed to have moved at my grandmothers pace. like it was the longest day ever. umm after school, i chilled with jay for a while until he had In-Car (he gets his license tomorrow..score)and then i walked to 7-11 with Cami, Bryan, Billy, and Matt...then we got slurpies and shit..haha and matt got interigated by the arab men at 7-11..oh fun-ness..then me and cami and matt got a ride back with caudle and bryan and billy walked back..which must have sucked cus it was soooooo hot!...then everyone went home, and i chilled with cami, and nic, who were waiting for cris to get oout of softball..then i wen tto dance.

and now im here. typing this loong entry, about nothing. haha.

well much love
you know how i do.
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