Aug 06, 2004 19:41
Well I was just on a quote site and one of the quotes said Whats The Point Of Living When Your Just Going To Die No Matter How You Lived Your Life....
And It's Really Making Me Think...I'm Going to Die in say 70-90 years...I'll Remember Everything I Did...But Then I'll Just Die and I'll Be Reborn and I Won't Remember Anything. And they way I think about life is that I was put on this planet to do something...but once I do it I'll live my life then I'll die...I might not even be remembered....I might be rememered by a few people...or maybe I'll be like Elivis and even after 30 years after I die I'll be remembered....But what's the point lol I mean...I'm going to be dead anyway.
I really don't know I mean...I don't know...I might even die today..the next day... next week. next month. next year anytime...but I didn't make a difference in the world, I guess maybe thats what I wanna do in the world...Someone like Lucy Ball..still making people laugh or like Elvis people still listening to aint nothing but a hound dog...who knows maybe even like Shakespears and people a million years after he died still wonder to be or not to be...
I guess, it's just how you live you life. Like if your something like a garbage man and you die you could be remember by a a few people thinking about 'oh that one guy who pick up our garbage died..he was nice...' or 'OMGoodness The Hott Garbage Man Died..' lol or a teacher would be remember by her students by teaching them things. Or a Lawyer who is remembered by the man and his family who was sent off of death row... If your a basketball player you'd be remembered by all the people for winning the big championship...
Everyone Means Something to Someone
Wow that was the only thing that made sense to me lol...but idk you probably think I'm a little weirdo who thinks shes going to die...but idk I'm just writing in this to share me blonde thoughts about that....
My goal in life is to be a great actress to make people laugh, cry, be pissed, anything...I just want to act and make people feel like...they knew the person if they died. Before I wanted to be a singer and like, win Grammys and stuff but I can't my main goal is to make a difference in life and be known by like...alot of people...Once I even wanted to be the First Woman President lol....
Well That's All For Now So Leave A Comment.....