just got my nails done :)

Sep 30, 2005 22:03

ive been workin so much lately and im tired as hell...with a sore throat-i really hope im not gettin sick cuz i want to have as much fun as possible this weekend. abbi and i are goin to ft myers for some thingy for her work but were only required to go to one thing for the whole weekend...so hotel on the beach with drinks for a whole weekend free...well...the drinks arent free but thats all we gotta pay for so im really lookin forward to this mini vaca...its much needed. i miss my marc! i wish he were here...it would be so much fun if him and billy were here so the 4 of us could go to ft myers:(
he said that this particular training that hes goin thru is 3 months long...if thats the case his training will be done christmas eve! thats horrible! i want my baby home for christmas! if he wont be i swear im flyin up to spend it with him cuz no man should be alone for christmas! newaze im takin my sleepin pill and goin to bed...gnite
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