Dec 04, 2003 18:10
first off i must say LEN Y FACE ARE THE FUCKING BOMB!!!
Now.. with that being said.. I MUST VENTURE BACK TO THE BARN SHOW DAYS! alright we'll you see at first.. Leann didn't like me very much lol because she thought .. i forget what she thought but ya know its in the past but that was the first time i met her.. at the barn show! she gave me a dirty look when i was standing by christian because i kept looking at her but i didn't know who she was i thought she just looked way to fly for a white girl so i kept checking her out.. lol ya know how i do.. anyways i dont remember the next time i saw her after that but i did see her at the blue tattoo when escalon still didn't love me completely but anyways that isn't the point! she was wearing the COOLEST skirt ever and i came to find otu that she made it herself.. that crafty lil nigga! well anyways i came to love escalon and they came to love me so me and leann would entertain ourself FOR HOURS talkign to eachother.. we seem to make eachother giggle a good amout..
*sHe TiMeD mE wHiLe WeNt PeE!! that was so great!! ah! blaze it! oh sorry side tracked
K so this one day! i tottally busted out the nigga in me and went all ghetto on leann and tried to make her translate what i said but she said that i was way to much nigga for her haha and not even the blackets of black could have translated it ((althought it only said HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ASHWEE))
YES.. so the LEN Y FACE saga continues..
OH yes!! there was this roller king show and i had only really met leann once or twice at this time but we talked alot during then i ran up to her and gave her a BIG hug when i saw her and it was really funny cuz we didn't really know eachother but we were jus so PUMPED to see each other we couldn't hold it in!!
"they dont call me speedy P for NOTHIN!!
AND the best shows of them all..RJS FRONT YARD!! YES!! Reid said leann looked like a pirate! hahahaha i thought she looked hot!! I REMEMBER SHE KISSED SOME GUY ON THE CHEECK CUZ SHE WAS A DOLLA SHORT FOR THE CD!! ahahha i remember that! oh god!! we had alot of fun we stood on rj's porch haha blowing bubbles.. YES! that was very Intense but all worth the while.. well as the Story goes on i havn't seen my LEN Y FACE in a long time!!
OH YA len y face came to be when our shit got stolen at TWT concert! ha i had my backpack and we wrote i tired to write LEANN + FACE = LOVERS but i spelled leann LEN so shes all but Y FACE! so i did and now it says LEN Y FACE on the side of the curb by the movies in mo tizzle!!
.... DAH! .....
SO basically what im TRYING to say here is.. JOHN LOVITZ FOR PRESIDENT!!!