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Jun 18, 2005 12:02

YeStErdAy Was  fuNNn!!  Me &&  My MoM weNt To iHop for LuNch<3 TheN i GoT hoMe..CleANed A LiL BiT..TooK a ShowEr && goT REadY! theN KeLLy CaMe over & wE chiLLed  HerE foR a LiL wHiLe theN her SisteR PicKed Us Up TheN we PicKed Up ZuBiN & EriC. theN  WE weNt to AMC.. we SAw The PerFeCt Man For a Lil BiT thEN weSaw The HoNey MooNeRS. ARouND 10:30 we LeFt AMc & wALkED to DENNYs! LoL KeLLy hAd Me CRaCKiN tHe FucK uP thE WhoLe tiMe LasT NiGhT. LoL i LovE thAt GiRL. WELL toDaY i DoNo WhaT iM doiNg..MaRcuS wants Me To taKE OuT to diNNer & aUsTiN WantEd To haNg ouT With Me AfTeR WoRK. So i DOnO we'lL SeE!!!! LatER! CoMmENt !

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