bored and waiting for sicknasty to fucking call me. that little ho. who i love.

Mar 24, 2006 19:42

[Name]- Sofia Luz Perez

[Hair color]- Brown
[Birthday]- 2/15/89
[Eye Color]- Brown
[Siblings]- Joe, Rey, Robert, Maria, Patricia
[Righty or lefty]- righty!
[How do you describe yourself]- stubborn, indecisive, ocd freak, crazy, different, laugh-y, passionate.
[What's your sign]- Aquarius, baby.
[Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend]- Nope
[Do you have a crush]- Not right noww


[Money]- shopping, and my next trip to Colleen!! which is long overdue
[Prostitution]- ick
[Gum]- bubble
[Blue]- clear blue skies
[Music]- love.
[Frogs]- green, and they pee on your hands.
[Santa]- fat jolly ol' man.
[Hanson]- MMMBOP!
[Duck]- QUACK. HA
[Rainbow]- mi madre


[Friend(s) you go to for advice]- joe, kat, auss.
[Friend(s) you talk on the phone to most]- /\ /\ Although I';ve kind of been keeping distant from them the past couple months with everything.
[Friend(s) you have the most fun with]- Auss, Kat, Joe. they're my bff's. and my only real friends pretty much
[Friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun]- joe.
[Friend(s) you've dreamt about]- all of them pretty much
[Friend(s) you tell your dreams to]- i don't know. whjoever i feel like telling them to


[Boxers or briefs]- boxers
[6 pack or muscular arms]- it don't matta. I don't want a guy who's all into body building though. I hate it when guys have huge muscular arms that like stick out when their arms are at their sides. unnatractive.
[Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny]- Both!
[Long or short hair]- in the middle i suppose. not bald though!
[Dark or blond hair]- either! well, maybe a little more dark
[Tall or short]- it doesn't matter if it's love.
[Dark or light eyes]- both can be hot.
[Hat or no hat]- it depends on the guy.
[Rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type]- not sportsy type.
[Accent or American]- accents are definitely hot, definitely.


[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate]- how about CHOCOLATE RICE MILK, AH YEAHH!
[McDonalds or Burger King]- fuck fast food places.
[Sweet or bitter]- sweet, like me. haha. wow so corny
[Sappy/action/comedy/horror]- sappy, comedy, action. i can't take horror movies! haha UNLESS HOWEVER, it's the evil dead series. then i will be happy.
[Root Beer or Dr. Pepper]- tough question... i'd have to say dr. pepper.
[Cats or dogs]- PUPPIES
[Ocean or pool]- ocean. the beach.
[Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese]- cooler ranch.
[Mud or Jell-O wrestling]- jello. haha i don't know. either.
[With or without ice-cubes]- without
[Milk/Dark/White chocolate]- ALL OF THE ABOVE, even though i don't eat it. i still love it though.
[Shine or rain]- both.
[Top or Bottom]- top
[Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring]- FALL. but all of them have their nice aspects.
[Vanilla or Chocolate]- i've always been a vanilla girl. but i fucking love me some chocolateeeeee!!@!1323
[Skiing or snow boarding]- NEITHER! Haha I'm a whimp...
[Swimming naked or with suits]- SKINNY DIPPINNNNN
[Biking or blading]- biking
[Cake or cookies]- both.
[Cereal or toast]- both.
[Rock/ska/punk/rap/r&b/alt/pop/techno/country/folk/swing]- everything.
[Night or day]- both.
[Fly or breathe under water]- fly.
[Bunk bed or waterbed]- bunk bed.
[Chewing gum or hard candy]- candy
[Motor boat or sailboat]- motor boat
[Lights on or off]- either


[Color]- purple/red/brown/green/yellow/black/blue. fuck just every color
[Number]- 6
[Animal]- puppies/dogs,
[Holiday]- christmas and my birthday.
[Sound]- music that gives me goosebumps. and farts haha yuou know theyre fucking funny.
[Book]- the lovely bones
[Movie]- igby goes down
[TV show]- sex and the city, house, gilmore girls, south park. and miami ink.
[Radio station]- i don't listen to the radiooooo
[Place]- new york city, canada, baltimore, austin tx, mexico, ireland was nice. but i want to go to england, italy, and greece.
[Flower]- i don't know any flowers names.
[Scent]- burberry brit, my scent.
[Food]- veggies, pineapple, apples, mango, frozen blueberries, nuts, thai food, mexican food, I could go on forever.,really.......
[Car]- A RED OR BLACK JEEP WRANGLER WITH BIG ASS WHEELS. that's my dream car. or a bug


[What's your house gonna look like]- artsy and architecturally creative.
[How many kids]- at least 2. but i'll see after 1
[Names]- Isabel for the girl, Christopher for the boy.
[Animals]- dogs only.
[College]- boston university, nyu, columbia, brooklyn city univ., or canada
[What are you gonna do]- i don't know.. health nutritionist maybe! maybe ned school, we'll see.
[Move anywhere, where would it be]- there are many places i want to move to.
[Buy any car, what would it be]- my dream car
[Dye your hair one color, what would it be]- i'd fucking leave it alone. i've fucked with it too many times. but maybe a little lightening underneath. maybe.
[Have a tattoo, where/what would it be]- the next one i want is a phoenix.


[Get up]- rub my eyes and then run to the bathroom to pee.
[Get in the shower]- stand there and let the hot water run on my head.
[Go to school]- i don't anymore this year.
[Get home from school]- probably either eat or pee. i have to pee all the time.


[Female president] YEY
[Thunderstorms]- YEY
[High heels]- I WISH
[Mexican food]- YEY
[Little Kids]- sometimes.


[Do you bite your fingernails]- like it;'s my god damn job. i;'ve cut back a lot though, go me.
[Toenails]- i don't touch them unless i'm cutting them.
[Twirl your hair]- it's too short.
[Impersonate]- haha
[Pick your nose]- yep.
[Eat it]- haha no. i eat my fingernails though.
[Chew gum obnoxiously]- i don't chew gum
[Cheat on tests/homework]- i've done it several times in the past, and got caught once.


[Make your bed] every day
[Clean your room]- once a week (i'm so allergic to dust and shit. asthma is a bitch)
[Shave]- Whenever I feel like it!
[Talk/walk in your sleep]- I talk in my sleep. All of us Bristols/Perezs do.
[Give hugs]- At least once a day. Hugs can heal, for real.
[Tell people you love them]- every day.
[Change your underwear]- UHM NEVER................ew just kiddin every day.

OKay, sooo that was long and a complete waste of time.
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