http://www.bananr.com(posts linear slideshow of all uploaded images (no tags, etc))
(you need the "
http://idgettr.com/" ID)
--there are a variety of options for various blogs and RSS feeds, particularly WordPress
http://grant.robinson.name/projects/travelr/"Travelr is a free photo gallery viewer that you can put on your own site. Travelr lets you display your Flickr photos geographically on a world map. It takes the hassle out of supplying geographic coordinates by only requiring them once for each location - not for each photo. Click here to see an example of Travelr in action.
Travelr requires version 7 of the Flash player or higher to run, you can get the latest version here."
You have to download and install the free Flash files provided.
Flickr provides a simple embedding tool here:
http://www.flickr.com/badge.gne and links to many more under the "tools" menu at the bottom of each flickr page.
you can choose HTML or Flash, and both provide a variety of options, from background and text colors to # and sets of pictures. They don't even have to be from your account.
HTML version:
Human Bell photoset
Flash version ...public photos tagged "kitties"
www.flickr.com This is a Flickr badge showing public items from Flickr tagged with
kitties. Make your own badge
Here is a horizontal version, with larger images:
www.flickr.com Here's this weird thing where you draw a little picture and it finds flickr images with similar colors/shapes...
Here is this self-updating widget designed for "profile" pages. You can choose horizontal/vertical, color, etc.
http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/profile.php Flickr Slidr
Created with
Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
http://flickrslidr.com This is a HUGE collection of flickr widgets and tools:
http://www.quickonlinetips.com/archives/2005/03/great-flickr-tools-collection/this is my "user favorites"....