Yay, it's my 16th birthday! I've had a pretty good day today, well, after school anyway XD
This morning started like any morning, I got up, went to the loo, had a shower, actually was able to eat something for breakfast and be out for 8:10, which is unusual.
School was uninspiring as well, Popular Press in Media Studies + English + Maths homework + a detention = One very bored and annoyed girl. I did get cards from my best friend and a teacher, who also gave me a box of Milk Tray chocolates, yummy.
Best parts of the day?
Going to my nan and grandpa's house, getting presents from them and chatting, it was really fun. Then, I was trading a NC item on Neopets, and ended up with a ton of stuff, I didn't know my background was so valuable!
Later on, I had Chinese takeaway and watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. It feels like a Friday, even though I know it's still only Tuesday.
I've got money, two tops, some bangles, a scarf, more socks and chocolate. Not bad. Still don't know what I'm doing for celebrating with my friend, need to decide.
Happy birthday to Wgroome, and sorry for not posting before. Hope you had a wonderful day and got lots of great presents.