Jan 05, 2005 16:13
Tuesday was okay. After school Cali came over for a little while. and we tried doing our homework. but then we didn't. and then we just layed on my bed like we always do, and talked.
Wednesday which is today was bad because it's Wednesday and I don't like it or anyone or anything eygfdbfg. Rachel let me borrow The Perks of Being a Wallflower yesterday. I started it after school yesterday, and finished it after school today. It was wonderful. Thanks for letting me borrow it, Rachel. I like reading, alot. only good books though. not boring ones. I don't like to read just to read. I have to get into it and all that stuff. So. Today went by very slowly and it was horrible.
Math-got our mid marking period grades and I got mine up to a B! yayy. and then mrs. schaefer just taught us stuff I forget
History-watched some of that movie
Science-Mr. Burd is an asshole, did some lab thing, I was cool once again and didn't have a partner, I never have partners, so then I end up with who ever else doesn't have one. cool.
Lunch-just talked to Rachel..well not really we were just sitting there saying nothing and Danny was sitting there doing his Spanish and I was reading some of the time. cool.
Spanish-I don't remember, oh yeah, we went to the library and Melinda typed up the menu and stuff for our group project thing
English-Mr. Paulson is our substitute for 2 months. I love Mr. Paulson he's my favorite teacher, even though he's retired. we just went through the high school packet thing and picked out civil war novels to start reading next week.
Computers-sat next to Rachel..looked for cartoons and read
Gym-I read, I really was in a not good mood so I really didn't want to take gym. I just said I didn't have my gym clothes even though I did. Oh well, that's only the second time, since the first time you don't get any points off.
Bus-talked to Marissa
and now I'm just..I don't know. I don't want to go to HealthQuest but I'll probably go anyway and bring Rachel 'cause she needs a ride and everything.
I did a test today. I sat in the hallway against my locker and counted how many people walked by 'cause I have no life and out of like 30 people, only 3 people said something to me. Trevor was making fun of me 'cause I was alone. And Dylan said hey and gave me a high five. and then some other 5th grader I don't know asked me why I was on the floor. that's cool.
So. tomorrow we might not have school and I would really like that, alot. I just can't take school anymore, I just hate it, it's horrible. It would be nice to have a day off. If we do have tomorrow off, I think I'm going to hang out with Marissa. and that would be good because it wouldn't be a big deal if the roads were bad because she lives right around the block. that would be nice. we could drink hot chocolate and watch movies in our pajamas! yeah. comment if you even bother to read this.
I really love you. I do. alot.