so today i went down to good ole' keywest.
my sister turned 20 today.
she got lots and lots and lots of money. luckyyyy.
she needs it for she is going to study abroad this fall in Rome.
the books that mika helped pick me out were a grand choice for a present, she loved em' THANK YOU MIKA.
anywho, today i got to go down and once again explore duval street and ate at what better than HARD ROCK and was served by "BON JOVI" it was amazing....makes me really really miss a lot
ughhhh it was great, just they were missing
the family came over. we ate pizza and enjoyed cake.
ive already begun packing for the cruise on saturday.
mika lets make this one 16515646541 times amazing. i know its possible. may be hard. but its what we do best.
working tommorrow 6-10. tarJ come visit meeee!
p.s. check this out