Jun 05, 2005 20:36
today was sooo much fun. this morning.. woke up at like 8:20 and got ready to go to WBHS class of 05' graduation. it was in chene park in D-town. lol. THE BIG DETROIT. heck yea. it was freaking beautiful. right on the water. so we sung the star spang. banner. and wild world. mr. schoenherr couldnt make it cause he was at a wedding somewhere. fun. it was soo nice out today. the weather was amazing. besides like two seconds ago when there was a freaking flood downpour. so the graduation was kinda boring. we sung at the begining and then sat there for like 3 hours. it ended at like 2 but we didnt leave till like 2:35 cause the bus drivers are stupid. yea and we had to wait in the hott sun. boiling. but i got some color, so thats always a plus i guess. yea so we got home at like 3:45ish or something. my daddy picked me emily and erica up. we dropped rica off and then me and em went back to get our bathing suits and stuff. k-zam and her madre came and picked us up at ems and then we went to kristas aunts house. she has this big beautiful victorian house with tons of land and a pool. so we layed out and swam for the whole day. it was soooo relaxing. i cannot wait till summer. i dont think ive wanted summer this bad in a long time. maybe ever. so after we left krista drove me and em home. shes an amazing driver may i just say.. hahaha. lol. ;-) so anyways i hope krista got home ok in the downpour. im being random. im scared for the chase and makki final geneology project. thats all ive been freaking talking about. im going to work on it kinda sortof throughout this week and do hardcore visual and final paper with emock this saturday. speaking of saturday its krals graduation. im going to miss that girl soo much. it was funny all the cheerleaders in choir were like cheering soo loud for the senoir cheer gals.. haha it was cute. gotta love em. i think peope thought we were super obnoixous.. well not really compared to the black girls next to us. they were like "PRAISEEEEEEEE THE LORRRD".. "AMENN" ..and freaking screaming at the top of their lungs when adam young and all them walked across the stage. oh gosh. my ears. their still ringing. anyways i think i have nothing else to say. i wish this week would go by fast cause i want summer, but then again the faster it ends the close finals are.. and the geneology project is due. uck. bite me.
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