I'm not sure if any of you were aware, but there was a National Silence Day on Wednesday, which was to combat gay/bisexual/transgender bias in schools --- and these conservative assholes decided that they would counter it with a National TRUTH DAY where they handed out t-shirts pretty much explaining how homosexuality is sinful and destructive. I have never seen a gay man destruct ANYTHING.
Apparently a peaceful nation ISN'T what is most important these days. It's all about the media and the hype of bullshit like this, where all anyone wants to do is get their name in the paper, or their organization more press. This fucking Truth Day was supported by a Christian Organization. WHAT THE HELL?!?! It's so hypocritical to say that you are a christian organization while you are out bashing the lifestyles of a large chunk of the nation. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO SOCIETY?!
All the Day of Silence campaign wanted to accompish was to promote non-bias. No bullying. No fights.
I thought that's what Christians were for, as well?
I'm ashamed.
There's no other way to put it.
I'm ashamed in our nation, in our media, in human beings. How can people be so cruel?
If you want to think it's wrong, then go ahead. I don't. I think it's nothing short of beautiful. I think the courage it takes to be who you are and live the life you truly believe in should be celebrated - especially when there are people/organizations like this who want to completely sqash your hopes of ever being equal. In a nation that was built on equality, this is horrific.
Fuck everything.