oke doke...

Sep 10, 2005 16:30

so whats today? saturday? yeaa man!! first weekend of the school season!
So0o0o0o i updated on the first day of school...
the "official" first day was thursday though..lemme tell ya..WAY over my head with the whole "im gonna love highschool" thing. i mean, its a zillion times better than the middle school, but its not at the same time. i mean..you're taking a group of people that are used to "ruling the schoool" and u throw em into the highschool like lil fishies or something..haha--im thinking rough. so yea..never thought ppl could hate freshmen THIS much..we'll deal though;-)
so thursday was school pics. they were fun..yea, me being an idiot got in the wrong line so i had to wait longer..haha! i think i made a cheesy smile but o well. brookie n summer are in my gym!! yay! and OMG ive got lunch 7 for tues and thurs and there are 23 people in that lunch!!! 23!!! ahaha i think its great! me and vince are gonna have some fun times lol! so yea...my bio teacher is awesome! mrs. monaghan i think? ahaha that class made my day! lol! then...fridays i had lunch 6 sooo i sat with brookie n steph wells! then fairen n jenny n nicole n krista came over and jenny and steph ended up knowing each other from when they were like 4!!! ahaha it was the funniest thing! haha so then i go to resource to find RYAN! ahhh it was a great day! well---yea, i guess you could say that..except for the marching band practice after school...OMG i was like falling asleep in attention!!! AHH! so i came home and took a nap..and when i woke up kay was like OMG WE'RE LEAVING IN LIKE 5 MINS!! i hate it when she does that! so i had barely enough time to change into comfyer clothes and brush my teeth!!! much less do hair or makeup..so yea..we were off to dans study thing..which i was juss totallly weird for..i didnt wanna talk to anyone,bc SOMEONE was there((haha alaina))and i was real mad, so i sat off to the side n kept my mouth shut! so then we're supposed to go out to friendly's later, right? well yea..our 3 sources of rides all couldnt go..meaning that we were either stranded at the church til 11:30 or we went over the wises..haha, so me n laina n kay all went to the wises!! AHAHA that was some fun stuff man! we were all starving so we chilled in the kitchen for a lil with max n murph n cody! aha then it led to playing baseball with the garden picked zuccini and apple! omg i think if we were outside max woulda hit 2 homers!!!! i was a pretty good pitcher too:P OMG SO MUCH FUN! then it led to laina chasing murph round the entire house and cody wrapping himself up in a blanket ((which looked like a tortilla to me n kay)) and max jumping on him!! wow complete chaos! many laughs..so then steve brought us home and wow we musta sat in our driveway for like 20 minutes before we got out bc we were having this really great talk bout how guys should treat girls! omg laina ur dads my hero! haha i loved it! anyways....

gates football also had their game lass night against brockport! idk how they did but me n summer were thinking bout going and JENNYS MOM could drive us LOL!! but we didnt..turns out i saw ashley at dans study and she was gonna go to the game too! she goes to brockport though so yea..lol small world huh?

ive been on the computer ALL day today...cept when me n my mom went to walmart..which turned into an hour spree which was only supposed to be 15 mins..ahh well whatcha gonna do?? so i went to fashion bug n saw tina critelli and cassy! AND i gott a cute lil outfit too:-) AND AND we got major discounts!! haha

im an only child today!!!

yea yea yea..now im here writing this and i cant think of anything else to say..im sick of thinking though. in general. and im really bored..and i HIGHLY doubt that any of u are still sitting there reading this..thus-

im gonna end now.
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