Oct 05, 2005 06:37
i dont think u guys really care about my day but ill write it anyways.
ill write it by periods
1-nothing really happened in there we were tlking about 'risk factors' and shanye told us tht he was at the movies with his girlfriend and he was dipping and he spit it in his drink and then she drank it.can u say gross
2- ughh i hate french so much it gets on my nerves!the only thing tht really happened in there was when ashley threw the paper rite into elicia's hand and started laughing so much
4-wow i would have to say 4th period was the best.ashlyn made me laugh so much. lol ashlyn is benny the cow,im dora,meghans boots,katis the map,jills swiper,and theres so many other ones i cant think of.ashlyn couldnt figure out this word and she was practically beating herself up because of it lol then she told me if i tlked to anyone besides her she would shoot me lol then i told her i had a gun to and if she tried to shoot me id shoot her back and she told me mine was a water gun haha
lunch- lunch was pretty good. jes tried to choke me cuz i didnt know where vicki was lol and then i have danny choking me and im like geeze people wasts wrong with u! i kinda gave danny whiplash too haha
6-well tht class was pretty boring and plus i think ryan was getting mad at me.
well thts pretty much it...boring boring boring
im just gonna put some random pictures on here later