Oct 10, 2005 22:29
I know I've done this before but they are slightly different questions and numbers lmao, and yes i am THAT bored! :P
1) Jon
2) Chris
3) Julie
4) Gem
5) Kev
6) Jenna
7) Loz
8) Lee
9) Saj
10) Cynthia
11) Claire
12) Rich
13) Banger
14) Dave
15) Katie
16) Fiona
17) Miah
18) Karen
19) Andy
20) Ducky
What would you do if you had never met No. 5? I wouldn't have had such a laugh at work every day! And hes a great listener
What do you honestly think of No. 10? Bless her shes like 60 so she's like having another nan! Fusses over ya big time when your ill hehe
Have you ever liked No. 3? Not in that way if thats what it means lol, but shes been my best friend for about 15 years now so yeah i like her!
If No. 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need to tell him/her? that I love him so much... but then he already knows that
Would No. 2 and No. 11 make a good couple? LOL nope :P my brother and Claire!? altho he does give her a lovely smile when she comes round aww
Describe No. 7 in 3 words. random, hilarious, great!
Do you think No. 12 is hot? umm yeah I guess hehe *blush*
What do you think of when you see No. 8? geeeeezaaaa!
Tell me something humiliating about No. 15. well I didnt actually see it but I heard she picked up and shook all over herself a full bottle of lemon juice, not knowing that Rich had drilled a hole in it lmao!
Do you know any of number 10's family members? Ive spoken briefly to her husband
What's No. 20's favorite color? god knows lol
On a scale of 1-10 how cute is No. 14? lol eeek erm, 5? (sorryyyy!)
What would you do if No. 4 just professed their undying love for you? I'd be a bit worried lmao!
What languages does No. 19 speak? bullshit mainly :o)
Who is No. 16 going out with? Gareth
Is No. 9 a boy or a girl? boy
Would No. 18 and No. 4 make a good couple? lmao NO, Karen is married anyway ;) (what is it with this thing reckoning Gem's gay??! bless her)
Who do you think No. 17 would be good for? no one lol he's too dodgy
When was the last time you talked to No. 13? 2 days ago (on MSN)
Does No. 2 have any siblings? haha yes meeeeeeee!
Would you ever date No. 15? nope lol
Is No. 7 single? divorced/swinger? single, to my knowledge!
What is No. 20's last name? Dukes (hence the nickname)
What is No. 5's middle name? no idea actually! even tho I've known him 15 years lmao
What is No. 10's fantasy? another Cyn one lol? I dread to think...
Would you make out with No. 14? maybe if I was extremely drunk lol
Are No. 5 and No. 6 best friends? no, they haven't met! tho i'm sure she'd like him ;)
Does No. 7 like No. 20? again they haven't met
How did you meet No. 18? at work
Is No. 12 older than you? yeah he's 29! but our birthdays are 2 days apart tho hehe ;)