Apr 09, 2005 09:10
i'm getting really worked up about gaining weight. 15 pounds and still going. i'm really serious this time though. i'm gonna go on a diet so i can feel happier about myself, and look better for prom. it's starting right now. i don't really know what happened. i was thin. then i just became disgusting again. and on a different note i think i'm gonna make my lj private or something. or just so that friends can see it because i have a feeling people look at this and get worried, and they shouldn't cause i'm fine haha. so we'll see about that. anyway...i have work in about 45 minutes, and obviously i work at a resturaunt but with some control i think i'll do just fine. hopefully. i feel really bad because i was supposed to go in at 8:00 to watch how Deb does the coffee shop in the morning since i'm working in it all april vacation... but i completely over slept. i wasn't even up late last night. so now i guess i'm just going to train to be hostess all day. i did it last night kind of too. I followed anthony around but it was so busy that i kinda just jumped in as a busser. Today should be different though and i definitely couldn't of worked 12 hours, so i'm glad i'm going in at 10. and i'm glad i get to see steffys system too. i'm gonna go wake up amanda... and try to make myself look not so shitty. haha peace <33