
Mar 26, 2004 22:17

:wHaT is LoVe:
*Love is seeing him how no one else does*
*Love is when you kno he's not perfect but you see him perfectly*
*Love is thinking bout him day and night*
*Love is when he means the world to you*
*Love is when no one else knos how you feel*
*Love is the best feeling you can feel*

:*:ThE fiRst tiMe i Saw YoU, I knEw iT waS trUe~tHat i'D LovE yoU 4EveR anD thAt's whAt i'LL do~You dOn't knO whAt yOu dO tO mE~yOu dOn't hAve a CluE~yOu doNt kNo whAt iTs liKe 2 bE me LooKinG aT yOu:*:

>oNce uPon a tIme< >sOmeThiNg haPPeneD 2 mE< >iT waS tHe swEEtesT tHinG< >thAt eVer cOuLd bE< >iT waS a FanTasY< >A dreAm cOme tRue< >iT waS tHe daY i mEt yOu<

***eVerYday tHat goEs By iT seeMs liKe I diScoVer soMEthIng neW abOut yOu 2 loVe itS inCreDibLe tO me hOw oNe perSon caN maKe sucH a BIG diFFreNce iN mY LifE..yOu tOUch me in A waY nO onE eLse haS anD giVe me So maNy reASonS to LOVE yOu***

I'M waItinG 4 mR.RigHt...he"LL eVentuALLy coMe...unTil theN...i'LL waIt...
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