Feb 12, 2004 19:49
Well, tonight is the Windsor game, and I couldnt go, cuz I had to go to the batting cages! UGGH! So, hopefully we kick some b00t-AY! Cuz, we NEED to win a game...
I've been having a really shitty week...I found out one of my good amiga is moving away!! I'm really going to miss her...She has been there through soo much, and now she's leaving me. At least I have the rest of the year with her! But i'm gonna throw her a HUGE going away party!
Another shitty thing that happend, was my mom told me I cant go to courtesy! Which I really wanted 2 go 2...and I wanted to ask this certain guy, and it was gonna be perfect! And then i asked my mom about stuff like plans and shes like Your not goin...and i was like why..and she's like I think you know, and I said No I dont! And then she told me well you should know. Well, that sux! So, yeah i'm not goin 2 courtesy...But I guess me and britters are gonna hang out that night.
Well Valentines Day is Saturday. I dont really know who my Valentine is...I know there all girls...HAHA! I asked this one guy...but he said sure, and then he came to I guess...So, thats not a real Valentine! But 2morrow night, Me, Shann, Cass, Britt, and Kay are gonna go out to dinner, and who knows what else. Since everyone is busy on Valentines day. We are celebrating early. That will be fun! :-)
I want Amy and Lauren to know that I will always be their best friend, no matter what. Just because I move, doesnt mean i'm not the same person. I will never 4get you guys! I'm happy that you care for me and about me, but the choices I make are all mine, and although you influence me, I know the right decision to make. You make think its stupid, but I want to find out on my own, since I know neither one of you really know, juss what you have heard. But, thanx anyways! I love and miss you both!! x0x0
Well i'm going 2 go do some more H.W. and then watch some Tv...Tell me what your doing for Valentines DAy. *leave a LiL loving 4 me* x0x0x0x0x0x0x0
mExi AnDa...miR...miRanDa...