Aug 24, 2007 02:26
I am in Boulder and kind of sad without my husband here. Making friends is not as easy as it was at New College! I already know some people here from my past lives, which is great, but I'd like to get to know some of the people I'll be spending day in and day out with. They all seem kind of young. Well, they are kind of young, compared to me, who is starting a graduate program at age 26. I long for deep conversations and more than just going along with a crowd. Today I had lunch with some other potentially socially akward people, but we all reached out to each other and I got to know some interesting people, including a girl from New Orleans who told me that I can dissolve sugar into my cold, unsweetened tea by adding a small pinch of salt to break up the hydrogen bonds in the water, thereby making it easier for sugar to dissolve. The four people I met are chemical engineers or biochemists, but I am sure to see them around some time. There was a native Boulderian (?) among us who said that Boulder (a) gets its water supply from a glacier and (b) may be the only municipality to own a glacier. How awesome is that? I used to have a negative attitude about coming to school here, and while I do think it would be easier to make friends in Texas (I passed up the opportunity to attend UT Austin), I think things are going to work out well here. For starters, the weather is incredible. It gets hot but not too humid or too dry; if I were Goldilocks, this place would be Baby Bear's climate. Before reading that Univ. of Colo. Boulder was named one of the most "architecturally successful" campuses, I felt the sense of importance that a cohesive and almost majestic surrounding can bestow on you while on campus. The buildings, while a beauty to behold, don't fight with one another for your visual attention. This lets your thoughts develop uninterrupted on a backdrop of harmony. Sidewalks around campus bear stone inlay reading "Accountability" and other attributes associated with strong characters. The grass is perfect yet looks like it never needs to be manicured. Rye and other soft grasses grow so easily and many varieties of evergreens grow around the buildings. Tonight there are sporadic thunderstorms and the weather is a crispy 55 F. I am looking forward to tomorrow.