from other journal today

Apr 12, 2004 19:19

Name: Rachel Michelle Burnette
Do you like it?: no i wish my name was Angelique
Nicknames: none
Screen names: luvulotz420 and imsorry2004xx
Location: Warren
School: Warren Woods
Status: Single♥
Crush: jordan thomas and tyler
Virgin?: .......
Natural hair color: dirty blonde
Current hair color: light brown
Eye color:brown

Height: 5'0
Birthplace: st johns
Shoe size: 7
Bra size: haha.. are you gonna buy me a bra?


Parents: Mom & Dad
Siblings: 2 brothers
Live with: mom

Favorite relative: My Cousins theresa susan and frankie♥♥


Number: 2
Color: GREEN!
Day: Friday
Song: idn i have alot
Movie: cat n the hat!
Food: anything good
Band:couldnt say..
Class: art n film♥
Teacher:Mrs. duffy
Drink: pepsi
Veggies: carrots!♥
TV Show:idn
Radio Station:93.1 all the way♥
Word: crud monkeys
State: dunno♥

[this or that]

Day/night: day
Aol/aim: AIM
Cd/cassette: CD
Car/truck: TRUCK♥
Gap/Old Navy: Old Navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: Lipgloss
Silver/Gold: Silver
Alcohol/Weed: neither

[love and relationships]

Do you have a bf/gf?: no
Do you have a crush?: OHH YEAH!!
How long have you liked him/her?bout 5 months

Why do you like this person?:umm cuz he is everything i could be looking for in a guy

If you're not single... give details...:huh?
How long was your longest relationship?: 2 years?
How long was your shortest relationship? 1 day?
Who was your first love?: james davis
What do you miss about them?: EVERYTHING!

[the past]

What is the one thing you would change about your past?:alot
life?: ewey!
Last thing you heard: aunt linda washing dishes
Last thing you saw:the computer screen
Last thing you said: no
Who is the last person you saw?: uncle frank
Who is the last person you kissed?:hmmm dunno♥
Who is the last person you hugged?:my family yesterday♥
Who is the last person you fought with?: kristina
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: my dad
What is the last TV show you saw?: dunno sumthin on E
What is the last song you heard?:i have NO Idea♥

[the present]

What are you wearing?: Pjs
What are you doing?:this thingy
Who are you talking to?: nobody
What song are you listening to?:nothing
Where are you? in my aunts basement
Who are you with?: myself
Are you online?: Yep
How are you feeling?:bored as hell
Are you in a chatroom?: no i hate those things!!


What day is it tomorrow?:tuesday
What are you going to do after this?:who knows
Who are you going to talk to?: who knows
Where are you going to go?: home maybe
How old will you be when you graduate?: 17
What do you wanna be?: the owner of the most known and successful hair studio in the world
What is one of your dreams?:that jordan would go out with me and some day ask me to mary him!
Where will you be in 25 years?: how would i know its 25 years away♥

[have you ever]

Done anything illegal?: no
Wanted to die?: yes
Hit someone?: urg yes

(1) Your gender: Female
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(3) Single?: yes
(4) Want to be?: no
(5) Your birth day: november 23
(6) Age you act: according to crystal shwamb i act 5
(7) Age you wish you were: 21
(8) Your height: 5'0
(9) Color of your eyes: brown
(10) Happy with it?: Of course
(11) The color of your hair: light brown
(12) Happy with it?: i guess
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: right
(27) Your family: mom,dad, mike, brandon
(29) What's your job: Don't have one
(30) Piercings?: ears
(31) Tattoos?: none.
(32) Obsessions?: YES
(35) Do you speak another language?: a little spanish
(36) Have a favorite quote?: yes
(37) Do you have a webpage?: nope
(38) Do you live in the moment?: sure.
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes
(40) Do you have any secrets?: yes. Many.
(41) Do you hate yourself?: sometimes :/
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: it's allright
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: yes.
(44) What is the compliment you get most from people?: that i look like brittany spears when she was my age
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: confusing
(46) What's your biggest fear?: being humiliated in front of EVERY ONE WHO ACTUALLY MATTERD
(47) Can you sing: at times yes
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Who hasn't
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: hell yea who wouldnt
(52) Are you a daredevil?: only somethings
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: yes
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: aggressive
(55) Have you got a ?: ?
(56) What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength...heling people when they are down.. Weakness... dancing
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: TO BE BEAUTIFUL TO EVERYONE!
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: love
(59) How do you vent?: umm ..

60-100 Where are you ?

(101) Thought about suicide?: yes
(102) Pulled an all-nighter?: yes.
(103) If yes, what is your record?: 9:28 am
(104) Gone one day without food?: NO!
(105) Talked on the phone all night?: yes.
(106) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: yes.
(107) Slept all day?: yes
(108) Killed someone?: no.
(109) Made out with a stranger?: no!!
(110) Had sex with a stranger?: no
(111) Thought you're going crazy?: yes
(112) Kissed the same sex?: ......
(113) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: ......
(114) Been betrayed?:yes! *cough*kristina*cough
(115) Had a dream that came true?: ben wishin the same thing and dreamin that my parents will get back together but it still hasnt come true
(116) Broken the law?: nope
(117) Met a famous person?: yes.....
(118) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yes. BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. besides the ant was gonna die someday
(146) Stolen anything?: nope im a good girl
(147) Been on radio/TV.?: yes! 955
(148) Been in a mosh-pit?: no.
(149) Had a nervous breakdown?: yes
(150) Considered religious vocation?: rightt .. no way
(151) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: yes i think
(152) Bungee jumped?: no.
(153) Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes


(154) Shoe brand?: PHAT FARMS ALL THE WAY!
(155) Brand of clothing?:American Eagle
(156) Cologne/perfume: Feirce from a.f.

(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work?: pants, shirt, normal clothes
(159) Wear hats?: not really .
(160) Judge other people by their clothing?: yes try not to though.
(161) Wear make-up?: only on occasion
(162) Favorite place to shop?: Malls
(163) Favorite article of clothing?: dont have one.
(164) Are you trendy?:sure
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: Hell No.
(166) Believe in life on other planets?: i dont know.
(167) Miracles?: yes
(168) Astrology?: yea
(169) Magic?: yea
(170) God?: yes.
(171) Satan?: no!!!
(172) Santa?: yes why he is real right
(173) Ghosts?: yes.
(174) Luck?: yes
(175) Love at first sight?: of course .
(176) Yin and Yang?: Yang :p
(177) Witches?: no
(178) Easter bunny?: yea why are you guys asking me this their all real i know it!
(179) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yup i do if u really love that person
(180) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: maybey :/
(181) Do you wish on stars?: yes


(182) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: nope.
(183) Do you remember your first love?: yes i do
(184) Still love him/her?: yes
(185) Do you consider love a mistake?: no way
(186) What do you find romantic?: when a guy is truely into you and shows it
(187) Turn-on?: many things.
(188) Turn-off?: Fags ;P
(189) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: nope.

(190-199) Wow, missing questions. Good for you, ya slacker.

(200) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: it matters who it was.
(201) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind?: knowing them of course
(202) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: nope. don't want the girl to look bad if they get turned down :)
(203) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: don't think so
(204) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: i hope so
(205) What is best about the opposite sex?: having fun with them ;)
(206) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? unsure
(207) What's the last present someone gave you?: an outfit from aero
(208) Are you in love?: yes
(209) Do you consider your significant other hot?: yes i do :)
(210) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk?: prolly talk to them and become there friends


(211) That haunted you?: umm? I dont know.
(212) You wanted to kill?: not saying ;)
(213) That you laughed at?: lotz of ppl
(214) That laughed at you?: my brother because i fell in the lake
(215) That turned you on?: ugh .. no comment;)
(216) You went shopping with?: mommy
(217) That broke your heart?: jordan
(218) To disappoint you?: kristina
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