Sep 18, 2004 22:29
okay so in the moring the person i am "not baby sitting for anymore" dicked me over and brittany for the 2nd time like whooa so forget her so i went to go get my new celler its awsome i guess lol now i have to!! me brittany and sdyney play softball in the rain it was cold and awsomely cool haha and then went puddle jumping but then me and brittany and sdyney got in a fight for like 10 mins it was funny then tyler made it all better hahah then i kicked him out of my house bc i wanted to watch a moive so me britt and sdyney watch two moives in a row and then jammed outside then brittany got yelled at so we went to her brothers wind and told him to tell her to go to her window so we could talk to her then we did then we where at brittanys house not benner the other one and they dared me to do to her next door house and ask him what was the name of the cd he was playing and its like 9:30 at night and i did and he said it was called monster botty hahah we were like wtf it was funny then we went over to jacks house aka"biggie" and play ding dong dich bc hes mom wasnt hone it was funny hahah so little kid was like look for who it was hahaha he could find us lol then we can home and now i amwriteing this so i am gonna go bc i have work in the moring so yeah\.......XxOoo