May 29, 2005 22:09
haha so my day with mel and kels and meg goes as follows.. we worked our asses off bringing boxes up and down and up and down the stairs... ahh! and then we spent the night and slept on her floor! haha and went night swimming then left earlier this morning! and then we got a ride back to megz casa.. and then walked down to seven eleven and got slurpees and cawndey! haha, and then we got a ride to my house where we all took a shower together in bathing suits lmao! and then we went and got ready to go to dinner with my daddy.. and we saw like a couple of my friends who are amazing !! and then umm we left after taking tons of goofy pics (which are coming soon).. and then we got taken out for ice cream at Dairy Queen.. where we saw this guy working.. ahh wow! and he walked by wiping the tables off and meg goes "your pretty can i take a pic with you?" and he goes "umm sure!" so they took a really cute picture! (which is also coming soon) and then we left blasting GIRL FIGHT all the way home! oo and candy shop! of course! yaya!!! so now we're home and we're going to the beach tomorrow and staying at my beach condo thingy.. tan here i come! haha yay! god this summer is going to be the effing best mannn!! yes dude! love you, rach