Jun 12, 2004 10:04
So yesterday was interesting...I left school after 2nd period. Thinking, hey, I'm totally gonna get away with this, none of my teachers are gonna call, seriously, it's the last day of school. So I talked to my mom @ likeee...3, when I was @ Pratt's Falls just chillin' & having a good time with a couple ppl...and then like an hour later, she called and asked why I didn't go to journalism. Fucking Mr. DeChick called my mom. What a douche. But, luckily I'm not in trouble. I gave my mom some bullshit excuse about not liking to talk in front of ppl *I had a presentation due that day*. She was mostly mad @ the fact that I made Matt do all the work for the presenting part (sry!). So yeah. Now I don't even know if I'm gonna get credit for the 3 page ppr.
Me Julia & Lisa were all over the place yesterday. Hit up the balloon & greek fest. We did that quarter game thing where you put in a quarter & see if it pushes quarters off the edge, or even better, dolla' billz, yo. We won the 5 & 10 dollar bills. Haha we wasted so much money trying to get the 20. But hey, maybe I can win it today. I have to go to an annual party my dads friend has, that just happens to live right across the lake to the balloon fest. I hate that place. But anyway, softball party on Sunday. Test on Monday (espanol). I can't wait 'til after testing...then it's really gonna be summer. But I'll be sure to study really hard. 0=]
It feels good to no longer be a freshman. Sophomore, here I come bitch.
Someone remind me to change my schedule, so I don't take journalism next year. Thank you.