Oct 02, 2004 13:48
hey this is my first entry. yesterday i went to the movies to see the forqotten but everyone ended up seeinq different movies because people had already see the forqotton and some people didnt want to see wimbledon so me and katie, alicia, kelly, austin, laura, kaya, and john went to see the forqotten but me austin, keely, katie, and alicia sat behind. then we qot kicked out because we were talkinq and austin kept sayinq ewoooo. lol and i was dancinq to the rinqtone haha. and then we waited for the other peoples to come out of their movie and then i snuck back in and watched the last 5 seconds of the movie. it wasnt scary. michelle and austin made out aww theyre soo cute. i love them. i also saw kristen, krissty and more people. today i dont kno what im qoinq to do i miqht qot to keelys soccer qame. but i dont kno. well i qtq buh byez riqht now im babysittinq amy.
xo mel