
Feb 15, 2010 01:30

recent twitters..

  • 16:36 :) RT @chriscolfer: Happy Single Awareness Day! #
  • 21:24 @ annatb lol I thought so! No day in the year are we more aware of our market status. Still want to see JenG in Valentines Day though! #
  • 21:26 Rofl thought that read @katilette too much YT RT @usweekly: Check tomorrow for @kikilet fashion week diary! #
  • 21:32 Haha look @annatb its cool, we're Mer & Christina! We dont do V Day! RT @shondarhimes: Like Mer and Cristina, I don't do Valentine's Day. #
  • 21:46 @ nics620 omg we used to watch gremlins all the time when I was little! I think my brother had a gremlin stuffed animal haha enjoy! #
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