
Feb 06, 2010 01:30

recent twitters..

  • 13:45 :( RT @cnnbrk: Storm could dump 2 feet of snow on Washington, D.C. F
    Region prepares for rough weekend. #
  • 15:55 Prepping 4 this snow storm! Got some wood in and I've driven my moms big SUV around our driveway (and didn't crash it! Yay me) to pack snow #
  • 20:37 @ CCCalifornia the bold tanks are my favs #
  • 20:43 @ EllenPRocks Stella is the cutest baby ever! #
  • 20:44 RT @MACartists: Win a free MAC eyeshadow tonight! RT & follow @MACartists for your chance to win. RT by 12AM tonight PST! #MAC #
  • 20:47 @ SparklesandBows I subbed! I'm a beginner veggie so I'd love to get more info and tips on being vegan as well. Great idea 4 a channel! #
  • 20:49 @ theoutfitters08 after a month of uploading vids u are allowed to go over 10 minutes? Didn't know that, cool. #
  • 20:53 So exhausted after running around in this snow storm today. Lush Waving not Drowning bath & bed for me!! #
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