Jan 03, 2005 19:34
So yeah...i have really good friends and im really happy about that! thanks guys! well today i woke up and wasnt tired at all. if anything i was nervous. i dont even know why. so i get ready and whatever and go to school. as soon as i walk in there i feel butterflies in my stomach! why!?! i dont know! i was just really nervouse. but i walked in and it was so much fun. i saw everyone and loved it! honestly, i must admit, that i missed everyone over the break. Then i talked to Ruben and Jason. they were histerical. i dont know if it was me because i was kinda hyper and stuff or they were just being really funny, but i couldnt stop laughing! it was so much fun! we were talking about sheep...lol...Then, i talked to ellie...and shes in my 1st hour! i was so excited. specially since it was ellie danielle and me! i loved it!it was so much fun 2! i love that class...its histerical. kinda reminds me of public school. (ms.kreugers class pam! lol) second hour was ok. i really cant stand that class but today it was pretty cool. i got my seat changed which sucks because i liked my seat. i was in the side of the room where i liked the people there. i guess all ill do there is write notes to marielle. lol. (btw i have for you already, i just didnt finish it so i didnt give it to u) Lunch was kind of boring...i was calm by then. 3rd hour sucked. we got our seats changed and my seats pretty cool besides that im at the front of the room. I sit across from stephanie and jordan. which is awesome cuz i can talk to them. but i need christine near me! shes like my keep track of me buddy. (no josh dont worry ur still my everything buddy!) 4th hour was actually kinda fun. i normally hate math, but the people in there are pretty cool and i actually understood what was going on. (until i got home that is) 5th hour was awesome. i love that class now. i have nikki and jennifer. its gonna be a blast i can tell. (1st and 5th will be my favs i know it) then 6th...wow...that is an interesting one. i was so hyper bc gabii is in my class now! yay!!! (we missed u at lunch!!! *tear*) but ur in my french class which is awesome. i have a feeling ill be getting in trouble in that class this semester. and she wont like me as much as she liked my bro because of it... o well. after school...i stayed around for a while, like usual. then i went home watched one tv show, did my homework and now im here, but im leaving. o yeah. i talked to sara like all day today!! it was so funny. and i am special! lol...alrighty well im leaving.
Marisa: Jan 15!!!
Sara: Jan 16!!!
(yeah i know the song im listening to is old, but i like it!) *i smell perfume somewhere around*