For One More Night

May 08, 2010 22:57

Title: For One More Night
Status: Ongoing
Pairing: Kyuhyun and girl!Sungmin
Minor Characters: past!KangMin, Hyukjae and girl!Donghae, mentions!Jongwoon and mentions!girl!Ryeowook, Hankyung and girl!Heechul, Siwon, kid!Kibum, unborn baby!Henry
Genre: Romance, Smut, AU, bits!Angst, Genderswitch
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Super Junior. If I owned them, I would have never written this fanfic.
Warning: sex scenes and ooh. the profanity
Summary(do I have to?): Who says past relationships couldn't be reconciled?
Requested by: massu_miyu

Kyuhyun groaned as he sauntered inside the company he was working in. All the stares of the employees bore behind his back as they watched him in confusion. He hated being the center of attention and the only thing he could do now was to ignore each of them.

He wanted to look grumpy and curse at some people inside who were now starting to spread unruly rumours about what happened to him. But as the Human Development head of Kim Enterprises, he needed to smile and show everyone that he was, indeed, okay.

Kyuhyun finally reached the elevator, and even though the transport was still on the 13th floor of the building, he still pressed the ‘up’ key. For all he knew, he would be totally exhausted if he took the stairs. His office was on the 15th floor and he’d rather prefer himself waiting for the elevator to come down than to waste energy from climbing up the staircase.

Alas, the elevator beeped and it only signalled that Kyuhyun could finally go up to his office. The doors finally opened and he was surprised to see no one inside it. Maybe I’m very late, he thought to himself and shrugged. Who cares? Even though he was late, for about an hour or so, he still couldn’t risk himself being absent at work. His boss, Ms. Kim Heechul, fiancée of the Chinese model Hankyung, was a demon. And if Kyuhyun said ‘demon’, he meant it.

Kyuhyun sighed and face palmed while he leaned on the glass walls of the elevator. Why did he even apply for this company? For a record of a year and a half of employment in here, he couldn’t help but notice all the flaws.

For one, the pays are a little low, by about 5,000 won. Kyuhyun presumed that Heechul, herself, held back some cash so she could buy those expensive clothes she wore daily. She was just lucky enough to have that business brain of hers that made her still give reasonable amounts as salaries to the employees, making her still have them.

Two, Kyuhyun had been doing all the paper work for her and that includes approving all the names of the stock holders and affiliations of the company. From the very beginning of his employment in the establishment, it seemed that he became her slave, not her normal worker. It was all because he did EVERYTHING for her. “I even make her own coffee,” he huffed.

The door suddenly opened, disrupting Kyuhyun’s thoughts. He ruffled his hair and fixed his glasses before entering the lobby. As he went out, he checked his folder to see if everything he needed that day was there. When he looked up, two muscular men blocked his way. Kyuhyun squinted and cleared his throat to make them go away but he failed. It was then that he found out that Kim Heechul OWNED these guys when he saw her in the middle.

“Yah, Cho Kyuhyun! You’re late again?” Heechul screamed as she bitchslapped Kyuhyun.
Yes, bitchslap. Kyuhyun hated it when she does that to him. That’s the last reason why he regretted on being part of this so-called company.

Kyuhyun winced as he caressed his, now, red cheek. Heechul laughed, in an evil way, and wrapped her right arm around his as she dragged him inside. He rolled his eyes. He was used to this.

Finally, they arrived in front of Kyuhyun’s office. Heechul opened the door and pushed him inside. She took his face in both her hands and patted them lightly. She examined his face and grinned at the sight of a purplish spot that circled his right eye.

“Aigoo. Has someone kicked your ass this early?” she cooed as she chuckled, once again, evilly.
Kyuhyun swatted her hand away. “Aish. Stop it.”

“Seems like our little baby here has no respect for his elders,” Heechul mocked, slapping him once more. This time, Kyuhyun screamed an ‘ow’.

“Go to work now. I need the finance papers for the supermarket chains in the office by this afternoon. Got it?” she ordered. Kyuhyun could only nod at her. She cutely waved at him as she catwalked towards her office, brushing off a part of her hair from her shoulder.

Kyuhyun watched Heechul pass a group of employees. He shook his head as he disbelievingly witnessed the group split themselves into two to allow her pass them. It’s as if history repeated itself. Remember how Moses split the Red Sea so he and the Israelites could pass? The problem is that this person wasn’t one of the Almighty’s followers. This one’s of the devil.

“Bitch,” he mumbled under his breath as he turned around, closing the door to his office.

The room was quite dark for mid-day. His table was hidden in the shadows and so was his colleague’s. Despite the fact that it was creepy inside, that’s according to Sungmin, it was the best and spacious room Heechul could give to the heads of 2 of her promising departments in the establishment.

Kyuhyun approached his chair and put his suitcase down. Even though it was a little dark, he managed not to trip over things. He was lucky that he was there for a long time now and he got used to the obscurity of his own office. He fixed his tie and walked over to the glass windows, watching the city below.

“So, I heard you showed up with a black eye and a cut on your lip,” his colleague, from the shadows, suddenly broke the silence that made Kyuhyun jump lightly.

“What the hell Hyukjae. If it weren’t for these windows, I would’ve fallen off the building and died,” Kyuhyun snarled. The said man, Hyukjae, laughed. He walked out of the shadows with two mugs of coffee in his hand.

“Sorry mate. I didn’t mean to scare you like that,” he apologized as he handed Kyuhyun a mug. The latter nodded gratefully. Hyukjae glanced sideways at him and grinned. “After everything that has happened to you, and that includes the devil’s backhanding, you still look so…”

“So what?” Kyuhyun asked, confused.

“Gorgeous,” Hyukjae mumbled, earning himself a smack on the head. He laughed.

“Fuck. You,” the younger one swore. “And who told you the news?”


“Shit for his big mouth. If it wasn’t because of his weirdness, that my cousin Ryeowook loves, he could’ve died a long time ago,” Kyuhyun angrily stated as he sipped his coffee.

His colleague lightly chuckled, sipping from his own mug. “Poor Wookie. If you’d kill that man, little Henry won’t have a father.”

“Henry? Who’s he?”

“Oh didn’t you know? Ryeowook’s pregnant,” Hyukjae proudly stated as if he was the first to know. Kyuhyun snorted at the news. Whatever, he thought.

Both stood silently as they tried to sip from the warm mug of coffee. No one tried to break the silence. Kyuhyun was still in deep thought about his cousin’s pregnancy and Hyukjae couldn’t find the right words to say. Suddenly, the latter’s eyes widened as he found the perfect question to strike a conversation. He hastily gulped down the coffee remains in his throat.

“Hey. You haven’t told me,” he started, scrunching his face to the bitterness of the drink he tried to finish.
“Who painted that awesome look in your face?”

Kyuhyun’s half-lidded eyes suddenly flew open. He looked at Hyukjae, who looked back at him in anticipation for his answer.

“You wouldn’t believe me,” the younger one mumbled.

“What? Why?”


“What about my damn cousin? We all know she went with that good-for-nothing bastard who went to illegal clubs and act as a bouncer. And what has gotten into you? The last time I heard you speak of her name was about 10 months ago and I was as-”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and cut his speaking friend. “I told you that you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Okay fine. Speak up,” Hyukjae muttered as he half-heartedly tried to listen to what this man was trying to say about Sungmin. He hated his cousin for leaving this 22-year old man. He was far better than that Kangin guy but why leave him for an illegal bouncer?

Kyuhyun put down his mug on the small table near the windows and put his right palm over the injured parts of his face. “She punched me this morning for tripping over her. Sungmin,” he breathed.

“She’s back.”

Hyukjae, who was sipping coffee, literally spurted out some of the drink he drank unto the carpeted floor. His eyes were wide, big as one of those golf balls, as he stared back at the worried man in front of him.



“That was AWFULLY tiring!” Sungmin huffed. She was sprawled on the floor, beads of sweat dripping down her face. She had an apron on and gloves on both her hands. She had been cleaning for the past 2 hours, well it’s kind of obvious because she was holding a mop on her left. This was the only thing that she could think of getting herself out of boredom. She was inside Kyuhyun’s house and not hers, well at least not anymore, and she has nothing to do to entertain her. Her brilliant mind, though, gave her such an idea, which may be absurd to others. And now that she’s done and Kyuhyun’s house was already gleaming from the inside, she was once again engulfed in the whirlpool of nothingness.

What to do? What to do?, Sungmin thought as she threw away the handkerchief that was initially tied to her hair. She gladly loosened her locks, spreading each strand on the floor, just to allow the heat, that has accumulated in her scalp, escape.

Finally cannot withstand the tension forming in her brain as she was thinking what-to-do’s and what-not’s, Sungmin settled in cleaning herself thoroughly. She struggled to stand up and balance her aching body. After which, she ran upstairs, to her bathroom, and slammed the door shut.

Sungmin grinned upon seeing the bathroom. It was clean and shining with pink tiles. She dove at the cabinets, searching for some bubble liquid. When she reached the last one just near the bath tub, she found the lavender-scented bubble liquid that she usually uses. She checked the manufacture date and it said a month and a half ago. It seemed like Kyuhyun had been also keeping the bathroom neat and clean just like the room she once had.

“How thoughtful,” she managed to tell herself.

Sungmin got a hold of the bubble liquid and poured some of its contents in the bath tub as she turned on the faucet to allow flowing water ooze from it. As soon as the whole tub was filled, she stripped off all of her clothes and submerged herself, including her head, in the scented pool of bubbles.

Sungmin emerged a few seconds later for she could not hold her breathing for too long. Even though she was a skilled martial artist, her training did not include breathing exercises and such. “The main focus is targeting the opponent’s weak points”, her instructor would always say. She rolled her eyes at the thought of it and leaned back unto the bathtub’s edge, allowing herself to smell the scent of lavender.

“Lavender. Kyuhyun,” Sungmin, unaware, mumbled. She knew by heart that Kyuhyun’s favourite scent was of the Lavender’s. During the first stages of their relationship, she always teased him for being so girly about scents and he would always get angry. But then, she also grew to love it, maybe because of the fact that Kyuhyun’s house smelled like Lavender or how his skin reeked like one when they would always sleep together, NAKED and HOT.

“Aish! What am I thinking? That was a long time ago. Ugh. Forget it,” Sungmin muttered as she realized what she was thinking. She drained the bath tub and stood up, taking the bathrobe and wearing it. She dried up her hair using her pink towel.

Ring Ring

Sungmin heard the partyline ring when she went out of the bathroom. She quickly dashed outside near the staircase and hastily picked up the phone. All along, she thought it was Kyuhyun. But she was mistaken.


“OHMYGOD! Sungmin?!”

Sungmin squinted and took the phone away from her ears. The voice was too, shall we say, noisy. “Uhm. Excuse me. But who is this?”

“Fuck you. You were gone for just a year and you can’t remember my voice?!”


Lee Donghae was Sungmin’s best friend. They went to the same cram school, middle school and high school. They did everything together. Even their prom dresses were similar when they were in high school. Their paths were separated, though, when Sungmin lived with Kyuhyun and Donghae married Hyukjae, Sungmin’s cousin. Since Sungmin and Kyuhyun’s break-up, these two never had the chance to see each other.


“Shisus! You scared me!” Sungmin shrieked. Donghae chuckled in the other end of the line. Both of them shared laughs and jokes for a couple of minutes. They surely missed each other.

“Wait Hae,” Sungmin interrupted. “Who told you I was here?”

“Hyukkie did. He told me that Kyu told him that you were there and I was like ‘WTF? Why didn’t she tell me’ and Hyukkie was like ‘Because she’s damn crazy’ and Kyu was like facepalming, as Hyukkie would describe, an¬-”

Sungmin laughed at her friend’s long spazz and decided to cut her off when she got a bit overboard. “Okay okay. I get it Hae!”

“I wasn’t finished yet. Fine be like that,” Donghae whined.

"Sorry okay. Kyuhyun told Hyukkie?!" Sungmin slapped her forehead. "Who else could have known by now?"

"I have no idea. Hey! Come visit us here. Same house, same apartment. Let's eat dinner together"

"I'll bring Kyuhyun then"

"That's great! Love you sistah!"

Sungmin smiled. It has been awhile since Donghae called her by that. "Laters girlfriend *smooch*"

Donghae hung up the phone and Sungmin stood there, awkwardly smiling to herself. When she felt a little cold minutes later, she realized that she was just wearing her bathrobe and with NOTHING underneath. Embarrassed, she quickly dashed towards her room and slammed the door shut.


Kyuhyun stood up, slamming his palms on the table just to balance himself. He was drained. Heechul didn't tell him that he has ALOT to do, meaning he had to sign almost 26 folders of finance papers. "That bitch should be grateful that I do everything without hesitation. Someday, I'm laying my hands on her", he thought to himself.

Kyuhyun huffed and picked up everything, settling down on the coffee table at the middle of his office. He went back to rummage his drawers for his car keys. He quickly dashed to the door, picking up EVERYTHING along the way, and opened it. Just as he was about to slam the door shut, Hyukjae called out to him from the mini library."Kyuhyun! Donghae just messaged me that she invited Sungmin over for dinner and that bitch told her that you're coming with her. So come!"

Kyuhyun stopped in his tracks. "Are we?" he called out. Hyukjae groaned.

Taking this as a yes, Kyuhyun went out and immediately ran to the BITCH's LAIR a.k.a., the president's office. As he was about to knock, he heard strange sound coming from the inside. They were moans, as he would decipher, and he scrunched his face in disgust.

"You don't want to be bitchslapped again do you?" Siwon, her secretary, asked from the pod. Kyuhyun turned around to see him reading his Bible, AGAIN. By the looks of it, he too was disgusted and a little freaked out.

"Uhh. How long were they...uhm..doing IT?"

"About two hours to be exact"

Kyuhyun acted like he was about to puke and started towards Siwon. He handed him the folders and told him, "Please give this to your boss when she comes out. Thank you."

"No problem. Please do tell her that God will forsake them if they keep PMS-ing like that. It is against the 10 Commandments. God will not be pleased at them. Tell them to pray for their souls if they don't repent because they will surely end up in hell. And everyone knows that it's too hot in there and..."

"Okay okay I get it," Kyuhyun mumbled, rolling his eyes, as he left Siwon rant about his faith. He quickly dashed towards the elevator, catching it as it was open, and headed downstairs to the parking lot. As soon as he reached the said floor, he ran to his car, opening the door, and sat down. Kyuhyun quickly drove out as soon as he got the engine started.

The trip towards home was peaceful. Kyuhyun was lucky that he got out of traffic just by a minute. He swerved along a corner when a man suddenly walked towards the middle of the lane and blocked his way. His red Mercedes Benz suddenly screeched as he tried to stop. Luckily, he did it just in time.

Kyuhyun irritatingly opened his window as the said man walked to him. Kyuhyun gasped.

"Hi Kyuhyun. Long time no see"

It was Kangin.

I'm sorry for not updating.
My mom decided to limit my internet hours to Friday nights ONLY.
I'm sorry for that.
Anyway here is my update!
I'll update the chat fic as soon as I come home from my vacation next week.
And please do comment.
Because I think I lost readers due to my failure of updating T_T

Spots for:
because she's my lovable BB.

because Unni tells me to go and finish this one

2 available spots for ninjas because they are so adorable.
And the prize for them?
They get to be spotted in my next updates!


슈퍼 주니어(Super Junior) Hwaiting!!

fanfic, p: kyumin

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