A typical covorsation between me and sam has 5 levels

Sep 26, 2004 22:28

LEVEL 1!!!

two point 00hhhh: HEIL
YourFriendOpieSG: HITLER!
two point 00hhhh: HEIL
YourFriendOpieSG: HITLER
two point 00hhhh: HEIL
YourFriendOpieSG: HITLER!

LEVEL 2!!!

two point 00hhhh: BURN
YourFriendOpieSG: NIGGERS!

LEVEL 3!!!

two point 00hhhh: KILL
YourFriendOpieSG: NIGGERS!

LEVEL 4!!!

two point 00hhhh: ...STARVE
YourFriendOpieSG: NIGGERS!

LEVEL 5!!!

two point 00hhhh: ELIMINATE

but,to everyones suprise we're in reality not really racist.XXX

at the end of every convorsation me and sam have we come up with a very STUPID idea

two point 00hhhh: lets start a hate band with no other point than to make people mad and see hwo long we can stay alive
YourFriendOpieSG: aallllllright
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