Nov 30, 2005 22:58
"The mystery of life isn't a problem to solve, but a reality to experience."
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it."
If life is a process then it can be taken apart and studied. It seems though that is not enough, one must Feel life and Live life. I'm going to break down the equation I feel right now. Resolve- Things in this world are falling apart, not just with the structures of government, church, and environment.. but with in every person's very being. For the bastard that is waiting on some healer, or hero to stand up and save them, you sit right with those who think God will come off his seat in heaven to protect you. I feel the flows of wrongness in everything, even within myself. I feel it, I hate it, and with in that hate I have the will to fight it. I need others, if there is to be any real difference, but if I have no one to listen, then my words never were. Loneliness- The more I think about it the more I feel it. I have no one. When faced with this I become sad. But if I had anyone, I, in my nature of being, would alter the beauty that would attract me to them in the first place, or I might open their eyes to a place that they cannot be happy in. I cannot touch anything beautiful, and I am lonely from it.
There are other things but I am not in the mood to type them, so Resolve and Loneliness are the only things I will express in my equation. Also, I bought 4 kendo shinai swords.