Barbara Bauer

May 24, 2006 16:25

Barbara Bauer is a scam literary agent, as you can see from the listing there. Barbara Bauer tried to get a friend of mine fired because she posted a link to SFWA's Twenty Worst Agents list, which is where all these links to Barbara Bauer go.

Needless to say, Barbara Bauer is on the list. She's a particularly belligerent creature, as you might be able to tell from the above. Recently she called up some clueless moron at Absolute Write's ISP and got them shut down for the nonce. They're swiftly getting a new ISP, and lots of people are furious over it, including me. Some of them are urging Absolute Write to sue their former ISP over their rolling over for Barbara Bauer in apparent violation of AW's contract with said ISP; whether this will work I don't know, since IANAL.

In any case, Barbara Bauer is definitely a Bad Person. Avoid the Barbara Bauers of the world, and you'll be happier.
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