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Уже 2 года получаю рассылку новостей компании "Блэкуотер".
http://www.blackwaterusa.com/company_Profile/btw_subscribe.asp Справка из русской Википедии:
Блэкуотер (
англ. Blackwater) - частная американская армия (охранная фирма), печально знаменитая убийствами иракцев в сентябре
2007. Фирма была основана в
1997 году бывшим офицером военно-морского спецназа
США 27-летним Эриком Принсом. Штаб-квартира находится в
Северной Каролине. Со временем охранная фирма превратилась в мощную частную армию, а сам Принс стал одним из главных спонсоров
Республиканской партии. В
Ираке «Блэкуотер» появилась сразу после падения режима
Саддама Хусейна. В
2003 года ее сотрудники охраняли главу гражданской администрации в Ираке
Пола Бремера. Первые потери частная армия Блэкуотер понесла в марте 2004, когда погибли несколько её сотрудников. Общее количество бойцов в Ираке насчитывает 987 человек.
Английский вариант
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackwater_Worldwide (с описанием сенатских слушаний и обвинений в торговле оружием):
Blackwater Worldwide, formerly Blackwater USA, is a
private military company founded in 1997 by
Erik Prince and Al Clark.
[2] It has alternatively been referred to as a
security contractor or a
mercenary organization by numerous reports by the U.S. and international media.
[3][4][5][6][7] In October 2007, Blackwater USA renamed itself Blackwater Worldwide, basing themselves in the
U.S. state of
North Carolina, where it operates a tactical training facility (
36°27′19″N 76°12′09″W / 36.455359, -76.202545) claiming to be the world's largest. The company undertakes training of more than 40,000 people a year, mostly from U.S. or foreign military and police services. The training consists of military offensive and defensive operations, as well as smaller scale personnel security. However, technologies used and techniques trained are not limited by U.S. domestic law, although it is unclear what legal status Blackwater Worldwide operates under in the U.S. and other countries, or what protection the U.S. extends to Blackwater Worldwide operations globally.
[8] Blackwater Worldwide is currently the largest of the
U.S. State Department's three private security contractors. Of the 987 contractors Blackwater provides, 744 are U.S. citizens.
[9][10] At least 90 percent of its revenue comes from government contracts, two-thirds of which are
no-bid contracts.
[11] Blackwater Worldwide is currently contracted by the
United States government to provide security services in the
Iraq War.
[1] On
March 31,
2004, four
Blackwater Security Consulting (BSC) employees were
ambushed and killed in Fallujah, and their bodies were hanged on bridges.
September 16,
2007, Blackwater employees in Nisour Square, Baghdad
shot and killed 17 Iraqis, at least 14 of whom were killed "without cause" according to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation.
[12] In November 2008, the U.S. State Department prepared to slap a multimillion-dollar fine on Blackwater for shipping hundreds of automatic weapons to Iraq without the necessary permits. Some of the weapons were believed to have ended up on the country’s black market.
[13] Обычные разделы:
дайджест мировых новостей, положение дел в Ираке и Афганистане, обзоры новинок вооружения и снаряжения ( угол Frank`а Borelli), благотворительность, советы по фитнесу, попинывание Ирана и России, предложения по трудоустройству и, само собой, реклама товаров и тренингов компании.
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