(no subject)

Jul 12, 2004 15:31

*Name 3 ThinGs you'Ve nEveR dOne* (something realistic, that lots of people have done, just not you. dont put "i've never been able to fly" or anything like that etc.)

1. smoked weed

2. gone out with someone for over a year..
3. been to hawaii

*nAme yoUr faVorItE...*

Kitchen Utensil: Knife?
Movie: too many!

Song: a lotta lot..
Color: pink, baby blue
Finger on your hand: if i hadda choose it would be the middle :D
Body Part(not on you, just in general): um..my eyes? lol
Boys Name: i like jason:)
Girls Name: dont really know.

*wouLd yOu EveR...*

Kill Someone: maybe? if i had a really good reason too
Cheat on your bf/gf: i dont believe i would
Go Bungy-jumping: DUH! that would be sweeet:D
Give up on everything: nope..
Dump a bf/gf cuz a friend didnt like them: no.thats really dumb..
Steal Something: sure..?

*NamE 3 FriEnds whO meaN the MosT to YoU anD giVe reAsonS whY* (this doesnt mean the others dont mean anything to you. so no one can get mad at eachother if they're not on here) not doing this..people will just get mad..

*aLL aboUt You*

Birthday: April 26, 1991
Siblings(names and ages): Whitney (..turning 16 in september) and Christopher (8)

Rents Names (ages too): Chris n Heather
Have a bf/gf: nope:(
if so whats their name?: ^

*havE y0u EveR...*

Flown in a plane: yes
Swam in the ocean: yea
Cheated on someone: nope
Lied to a best friend: probably..
Picked a bf/gf over a friend: Cant say I have.
Been in love: i thought i was..idk tho..deep like?
Ran away: nah

*Are y0u...*

So in love/orlike with someone you cant think: no

Ready To give up on everything: everything? no.
About to go to bed: nope.
An only child: umm? not really..
Depressed: nope
Planning on getting married: yeah. in a long while tho:)
Going to have kids: yeah, hopefully. only like 2 tho!

well that was fun

im bored.. and im gonna go
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