Lol, yes, Steve told me to plea the fifth. I think I will. Lol. This whole day was -weird-. I was mostly writting my short story for Amara in NG [an rpg on the bb.] I thought about writting it with her going to the mall with the Amazons, but then I thought about it and said 'it would be wayy better if she went back alone'. Im trying to write it. I still havent given Sarah that profile either.. Dang it. Oh well, I'll send it later. Mom wants me to take off AIM... Like I will. Lol. Ill say I did. I think I know how to get on it from somewhere... Like AIMexpress. whatever. Parents suck.
We got ROTK. Well, we borrowed it. In the theatres it made me cry SO hard. Its soo sad. I wuv that movie. Especially because it has ORLY in it!!!! Hehe.
Fight infront of locker today -- well not exsactly a fight... more like ... Brittney pushing Allie. And she thinks its my fault. Okay, think that. Whatever. Like omigod. Allie your in my lj! ahh!
*rolls eyes* bored as hell, and Im all alone. Tears. Maddi Isnt good company, all she does is chew bones. I wants to call Matt but he hasnt gotten home from school. Damn. Im avatar shopping. Ill update when I get my ::new avatar. Laterzzz
-.~Peace out homes