Jan 31, 2005 19:39
[<3] The shoes you wore today: NiKES
[<3] Your eyes: GREEN
[<3] Your fears: tOtAllY fEARlESS lOl NOt
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- WHAt iS -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Your most overused phrase on aim: lOl
[<3] Your thoughts first waking up today: UH HOW AM i GNA GEt tO SCHO0l ONtiME ?
[<3] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: fACiAl fEAtURES / HAiR
[<3] Your best physical feature: YEUCk NONE At All
[<3] Your bedtime: WHENEVER .. AROUND tEN tHiRtY
[<3] Your most missed memory: .. RiP ..
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- YOU PREfER -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Pepsi or Coke: PEPSi
[<3] McDonald's or Burger King: NEitHER ..
[<3] Single or group dates: GROUP
[<3] Adidas or Nike: NiKE
[<3] Chocolate or vanilla: VANillA
[<3] Cappuccino or coffee: CAPPUCCiNO SOMEtiMES .. USUAllY COffEE
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- DO Y0U -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Smoke: NOPE
[<3] Curse: HAHA JUSt A fUCKiNG tOUCH
[<3] Take a shower everyday: DUH
[<3] Have any crushes?: liKE iD tEll YOU!
[<3] Who are they: "
[<3] Do you think you've been in love? i DUNNO ANYMORE
[<3] Want to go to college: DEfiNEtlY
[<3] Like high school: OH YA liViN it UP
[<3] Want to get married: i GUESS .. NOt fOR A lO0NG ASS tiME tHO
[<3] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: DUH
[<3] Believe in yourself: i tRY
[<3] Get motion sickness: UM NOt REAllY .. ONlY ON liKE RiDES
[<3] Think you're a health freak: NO
[<3] Get along with your parents: HUMf YOUR fUNNY
[<3] Like thunderstorms: OH YA .. CREEP!
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- iN tHE PASt M0NtH, DiD YOU / HAVE Y0U -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Gone to the mall: DUR
[<3] Eaten sushi: EW NO
[<3] Been on stage: NOt tO PERfORM lOl iVE BEEN ON -A- StAGE..
[<3] Been dumped: NO
[<3] Gone skating: ERRR DEfiNEtlY NOt WHAt A PAiNfUl StUPiD WAStE Of fUCKiNG tiME
[<3] Made homemade cookies: YES
[<3] Dyed your hair: YEA
[<3] Stolen anything: HEHE
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- HAVE Y0U EVER -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Flown on a plane: YEA
[<3] Missed school because it was raining?: HA i WiSH
[<3] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: YES
[<3] Cried during a Movie?: O0H YA
[<3] Had an imaginary friend: HAHA NOPE
[<3] Cut your hair: UMM CAN YOU SAY DUH!
[<3] Had crush on a teacher?: YEUCK.
[<3] Been caught "doing something": Wtf lOl
[<3] Been called a tease: i DONt tHiNK SO ..
[<3] Gotten beaten up?: lOSt A fiGHt .. ONCE ..
[<3] Been in a fight: GUESS i COVERED tHAt ONE
[<3] Shoplifted: HEHE
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- tHE fUtURE -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Age you hope to be married: AWHilE fROM NOW [ "yes i do" WAS AlYSSA'S ANSWER lOl ilYG ]
[<3] Numbers of Children: 2 OR 3
[<3] Descibe your Dream Wedding: OH MAN tO MANY DEtAilS tO PUt .. OUtDOOR AND BEAUtifUl, lOtSA flOWERS AND DRiNKS AND PEOPlE AND A REAllY PREttY BUt MODERN DRESS .. tHAtS All ill GO iNtO lOl
[<3] How do you want to die? SlEEPiNG iN MY BED OR fOR A lOVED ONE
[<3] What do you want to be when you grow up?: iNtERiOR DESiGNER / ARCHitECt
[<3] What country would you most like to visit?: HARD CHOiCE .. iRElAND, itAlY, OR fRANCE
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- OPP0SitE SEX -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Best eye color: GREEN / HAZEl / BROWN
[<3] Best hair color: BROWN OR JUSt DARK
[<3] Short or long hair: SHORtiSH
[<3] Best height: 5'11 - 6'2
[<3] Best weight: i DUNNO lOl MUSCUlAR
[<3] Best first date location: MOViES
[<3] Best first kiss location: BEACH At NiGHt
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- NUMBER -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Number of drugs taken illegally: NONE i tHiNK
[<3] Number of people I could trust with my life: UM .. liKE lESS tHAN tEN
[<3] Number of CDs I own: NO ClUE
[<3] Number of piercing: EARS
[<3] Number of tattoos: NEVER
[<3] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? DONt COUNt
[<3] Number of scars on my body: DONt COUNt .. WHO DOES
[<3] Number of things in my past that I regret: MANY
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- fAVORitES -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Shampoo: GARNiER / PAUl MitCHEll
[<3] Fav Color(s): PiNK / YEllOW
[<3] Day/Night: HMM tRiCKY .. DAY? NO NiGHt .. i DUNNO..
[<3] Summer/Winter: SPRiNG BABY!
[<3] Lace or Satin: BOtH / tOGEtHER
[<3] Fave Cartoon: WiNNiE tHE POOH
[<3] Fave Food: iCE CREAM . PiZZA . PiNEAPPlE . tWiStERS
[<3] Fave sport: HMM tENNiS? DNO ..
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- RiGHt NOW -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Right Now Wearing: HO0DiE AND PJS =) AND POKA DOt SOCKS!
[<3] Drinking: NADA
[<3] Thinking about: HOW BORED i AM / lAtiN PROJECt / tHiS WEEKEND
[<3] Listening to: ONlY ONE / YEllOWCARD CD
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- iN tHE lASt 24 HOURS -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Cried: SADlY
[<3] Worn jeans: NOPE =)
[<3] Met someone new online: CHAt RO0MS ARE CREEPY
[<3] Done laundry: NO
[<3] Drove a car: NO lOl
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- DO YOU BEliEVE iN -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Yourself: i tRY
[<3] Your friends: DEfiNEtlY .. YOU ARE -All- SO GREAt!
[<3] Santa Claus: NO
[<3] Tooth Fairy: i WiSH
[<3] Destiny/Fate: i DUNNO..
[<3] Angels: YES
[<3] Ghosts: i DUNNO..
[<3] UFO's: AH HEM..
[<3] God: YES
-<3-<3-<3-<3-<3- fRiENDS & lifE -<3-<3-<3-<3-<3-
[<3] Do you ever wish you had another name?: YESSS MiDDlE NAME!
[<3] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: NO
[<3] Do you like anyone?: i DUNNO..
[<3] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: ANNAliSE i GUESS .. HAHA OUR JiNXES! HAHA ilY
[<3] Are you close to any family member?: NOt REAllY
[<3] What's the best feeling in the world?: lOVE / fRiENDSHiP
[<3] Worst Feeling?: HURt
[<3] What time is it now?: 8:12 PM ( fRiENDS & lifE ?? )